high blood sugars today?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only

Can anyone offer any advise as to why my bloods seem higher today? I got a Fitbit on Saturday and for last 2 days have got back on my LCHF diet and walked 5 plus miles per day on treadmill (not exercised today yet as still at work but will tonight).

My morning readings have been averaging 8.2 over the Christmas period (had a few weeks off) but now back on it and today my morning reading was 9.4, 9.8, 9.2, 8.8, 8.4, ate some warmed up veg leftover from yesterdays lunch and reading was 10 then 8.8.

Yesterday all day i have lovely low readings, the highest being 7.2 after a carb free lunch. it was 5.1 a few hours before bed and after exercising.

Why are they so high today? Ive also drank plently on water (1 litre so far today)
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Exercise can raise me and then lower me hours later. Maybe even into the next day. I just never know when that is going to happen. When I was T2 a bite of something would bring me back down after exercise. Like a bite of cheese or leftover protein, a few nuts. Nothing that would raise me but rather just elicit a small insulin response.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
It’s higher tho? Not lower? This is why I am annoyed/confused? Thought I’d wake up this morning with lovely low readings after sat nights work out?!


Type of diabetes
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It’s higher tho? Not lower? This is why I am annoyed/confused? Thought I’d wake up this morning with lovely low readings after sat nights work out?!
I understand. Mine goes higher too. Now I have to take insulin to bring it down. When I was T2 I could just eat something to bring in some insulin and it would lower. Bg won’t lower without insulin. Exercise lowers insulin and so does sleeping\ fasting so you need some insulin coming in to lower it


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diet drinks - the artificial sweeteners taste vile.
Having to forswear foods I have loved all my life.
Trying to find low carb meals when eating out.
If you change your routine your body may take a while to settle.

Perhaps your liver is dumping because you are exercising more?
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
For me exercise can raise my BG. A brisk walk ..up to 45 minutes is OK and will lower it. add weights or go faster or over 45 mins and my BG will rise.
We also go out dancing a couple of times a week and that means 3 hours exercise. I need to nibble a few nuts throughout the evening, , almonds work well ..or my BG goes sky high.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone help myself I am struggling with high blood sugars I am type 2 steroid induced diabetes and as you can imaged the side effect of the tables are making me hungry and eating all the time it’s very difficult to control my diabetes and I use my insulin as per what my sugar is very very frustrating


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
For me exercise can raise my BG. A brisk walk ..up to 45 minutes is OK and will lower it. add weights or go faster or over 45 mins and my BG will rise.
We also go out dancing a couple of times a week and that means 3 hours exercise. I need to nibble a few nuts throughout the evening, , almonds work well ..or my BG goes sky high.

I did actually have some dry roasted nuts before bed last night. Well I wasn’t aware exercise could make it higher after as it initially lowers it.. god, it’s a never ending battle isn’t it.. your damned if you do exercise and damned if you don’t


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Can anyone help myself I am struggling with high blood sugars I am type 2 steroid induced diabetes and as you can imaged the side effect of the tables are making me hungry and eating all the time it’s very difficult to control my diabetes and I use my insulin as per what my sugar is very very frustrating

It will be very tricky while you are still taking steroids. I recently had to have them while I had chemo and radiotherapy and my BG went up to 15 on the steroid days.
Is it something you will have to have indefinitely or will they be able to be stopped ? Now I'm not taking them I have mostly returned to normal BG's
As you are on insulin,.I would try and consult with your GP or DN and see if they have any advice on dosage
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Cheers for reply I have been on the steroids for about five years now on prednisone but swap over the hydrocortisone as they don’t have a bad effect as the preds it’s very difficult to keep under control I try my best they gp and diabetes nurse to encourage me to take more insulin which I do but I still eat very well which I can’t help it’s ok people saying cut down but it’s very tricky