Type 1'stars R Us


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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Aha - Amazon had the Itsu seaweed thins! Soy sauce flavour. I love that!


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Morning all, unfortunately I gave up crisps some time ago, mainly because they're too high risk, for putting on weight, and eating too many.

Tried a lower dose of Levemir overnight, because I've been going a bit low at night. Woke up on 10, so I'll abandon that plan. Slept rather well though, the upside of waking with a higher than I want blood sugar is usually that it comes with a good night's sleep.

Not sure what I'm going to do today, yet, there's an open studio event in Leith, that I want to go and look at, it's only being held over the weekend, so there isn't much time, but I think I'll probably go tomorrow, rather than today. As I have a few other things I need to do.
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good morning everyone have a good weekend whatever your plans may be. rain here,:(:( got tiler coming soon so no toilet after 10 on the joys:oops:
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Type of diabetes
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Morning all, definitely lentil crisps, chive and onion or spicy chilli, both good. Seaweed yum. And do Pringles count as crisps?
Good luck Karen, hope you’ve a kind neighbour with a loo. For quite a long time my sister and brother-in-law’s mobile was without plumbing, which was fine as there was a hedge and a stream and it’s at the back of their farm (wellies and raincoats by the door), but it meant developing perfect timing for shopping at places with loos . . . They have all the necessaries now but the animals still have better accommodation than they do.


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Morning all, been out and run some errands, a day in the garden after a friend's called round this morning. Still no rain here, off to help with a dog show thing tomorrow afternoon so if it's going to rain it'll probably be then...

I have a problem with a lot of the highly flavoured crisps and nibbles; I think it's because, many years ago in London, I lived close to a factory that produced flavourings for things like that. The truly revolting smells that came from there caused loads of local complaints and, having smelled that, it kinda put me off too much artificial flavouring - you never know what's been put in some things that makes them taste the way they do, and it's often got nothing to do with what it's meant to taste of :eek:

Enjoy your weekend whatever you're doing


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Type 1
I eat nice and spicy nik naks on walks

Yep, indeed, haven't eaten nik naks for a while, but my advice to newly dx'd T1s would be to focus on a broad range of healthy nutritionally rich foods but don't get too puritan about it, so there's no guilt in jamming down some highly processed junk every now and then - there's always a place for nik naks!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Prawn crackers! How could I have missed out prawn crackers?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Morning all, unfortunately I gave up crisps some time ago, mainly because they're too high risk, for putting on weight, and eating too many.

Tried a lower dose of Levemir overnight, because I've been going a bit low at night. Woke up on 10, so I'll abandon that plan. Slept rather well though, the upside of waking with a higher than I want blood sugar is usually that it comes with a good night's sleep.

Not sure what I'm going to do today, yet, there's an open studio event in Leith, that I want to go and look at, it's only being held over the weekend, so there isn't much time, but I think I'll probably go tomorrow, rather than today. As I have a few other things I need to do.

I seem to be caught in the +0.5 Levemir too high -0.5 Levemir too low cycle as well. I’ve gone for the minus as adding a morning high to foot on the floor’s a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
Morning all, been out and run some errands, a day in the garden after a friend's called round this morning. Still no rain here, off to help with a dog show thing tomorrow afternoon so if it's going to rain it'll probably be then...

I have a problem with a lot of the highly flavoured crisps and nibbles; I think it's because, many years ago in London, I lived close to a factory that produced flavourings for things like that. The truly revolting smells that came from there caused loads of local complaints and, having smelled that, it kinda put me off too much artificial flavouring - you never know what's been put in some things that makes them taste the way they do, and it's often got nothing to do with what it's meant to taste of :eek:

Enjoy your weekend whatever you're doing

What amazes me is how many crisps that are "meaty" flavoured are actually vegan!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
What amazes me is how many crisps that are "meaty" flavoured are actually vegan!

Like meat of the future, they begin their lives in a chemistry lab.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Morning all, how are things?
Drizzling and grey here but I'm well and Madam's up herself but as everyone says, we are trying! Yey, I am a wimp and knew I'd deliberately underbolused yeterday evening ......or should that be underbloused. Anyway, not surprised at Madam and to be honest, although I don't think the figure is acceptable, I've got no choice and have dealt with it.

Enough of moaning. I'm alive and ready to kick or kicking and ready to live.
I'm glad my mention of crisps brought some interesting lists.
I'm going to have a Google to see how much a cgm costs and the thingies you glue on your arm
Thanks for your support guys........... it was welcome and needed.
Have a splendid day and don't forget your brolly:D:D
Sue, I’ll pm you with a discount code for the transmitter if you want to go down that road?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Did we forget Spicy Nik-Naks?

Bland night here, slept well, bloods mostly behaving. Off out for brunch and then taking two thirds of the cats to the vet for their jabs. Bollo... goes in the basket but Fidel just won’t, so he has a puppy car harness and goes on a lead. Knee still painful but what do you do? Just crack on, I suppose.

Have a lovely day, friends ❤️


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Did we forget Spicy Nik-Naks?

Bland night here, slept well, bloods mostly behaving. Off out for brunch and then taking two thirds of the cats to the vet for their jabs. Bollo... goes in the basket but Fidel just won’t, so he has a puppy car harness and goes on a lead. Knee still painful but what do you do? Just crack on, I suppose.

Have a lovely day, friends ❤️


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
My living room smells like The House of Garlic! We are cooking and every window and door in the house is open, so the air currents blow straight through the sitting room. Quite eye watering although we didn't put that much in!
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Plan change. I’m making a mushroom, roasted aubergine, manchego and duck egg frittata for brunch instead. #pyjamas

Foot on the floor spike to 8 :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People whose attitude says "Me, my opinion, my desire is greater and more important than anyone else"

And to whom the principle of ahimsa is a closed book that they refuse to open because it would make life more difficult for them.
I'm back ! Lol hope everyone well. X

Indeedy - so far so good, for today. Not gonna think about the past week which was a disaster zone thanks to the weather. Today - all is well!

How about you?


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Morning my fellow colanders and pumpers, hope you are all having a good day.

having a strange morning as has been the case most of this week. I normally have brekkie and around 2 hours later hit a large spike BG rising from around 6 to 10 before dropping back to 6 at lunch.

All week however BG have hardly risen at all after brekkie. Having issues however this morning. BG of 6.1 on waking, had brekkie and 1.5 hours later Libre showing 4.1 and heading down. I was just about to head out as well, so disonnected pump, had a cuppa 3 ginger nuts. That will do the trick, eh no. 20 minutes later still at BG of 4.1. O try 8 jelly beans that will sort it. Eh no. 20 mins later and BG now down to 3.6, even with finger test. Pump has been disconnected all this time

So another cuppa and a couple of spoonfuls of sugar and that should work.

Well thats my morning spoiled, looks like I will just go out in afternoon instead.

Dont you just hate all this bleeding uncertainty being a type 1:banghead::banghead::banghead:


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cold weather
Sue, I’ll pm you with a discount code for the transmitter if you want to go down that road?
Hi @Mel dCP A cgm sounds good and I've googled to try and get reviews of the different ones. They are challenging to understand but I get that self funding for the sensors is eye-wateringly expensive. The other problem might be, as a Luddite, I don't have a functioning mobile phone.