Cholesterol Results


I have just refused statins as my count is only 5.3 which is down from two years ago and my sugars have dropped from 82 t0 60 in nine weeks. The side effects of statins for me outweigh the benefits if I can learn to control more of the "bad" fats myself. I am putting diet above everything and trying to self-manage rather than take more medications. Everyone is different however, I can't help thinking that doctors are being encouraged to sheep dip us all with tablets pushed by the manufacturers.
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Diet only
I used to have the ‘statins’ talk from my DN at every review until a new doctor in the practice looked at the side effects (dizzy spells, sleep problems and aching muscles) and the graph of what happened last time I was on statins ie Hba1c increased from 48 to 54 in 3-4 months put ‘Statin intolerant’ on my notes as we didn’t want the risk of it happening again. Now I just get advised to eat low fat foods - which I also ignore.


Interesting thread and debate.

I had bloods taken about 18 months and my figures were quite similar to those quoted by OP (btw my bloods 12 months later showed an increase in total cholesterol but a small drop in triglycerides, which I think is more determinative of risk of cardiovascular disease). Anyway the GP tried to recommend statins to me on the basis that studies have shown they reduce mortality in diabetics by a small amount. He acknowledged the side effects (muscle and joint pain), and agreed with me when I refused them, that in my shoes he’d do the same. I just found it quite surprising he was willing to push medicines despite acknowledging they weren’t absolutely necessary for me, and the likely benefit would be very small.

My understanding from my limited reading is that the key figure to consider is triglycerides to HDL ratio, as a high ratio could be indicative of insulin resistance and an increased risk of heart disease. I think anything under around 0.9 is highly desirable, and mine was 0.75, and went down to closer to 0.65 second time around. OP’s ratio is better than mine, so I’d say good job and ignore the statins talk.


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Was put on statins because that's what NHS likes to do. Took 3 months to recover from the side-effects.

Another info source is 'A statin free life' by Dr Aseem Malhotra, 2021. He's a UK Dr who has been looking at the myth of cholesterol and health for some time. Makes very interesting reading - not least the lobbying power of the statin manufacturer's to keep lowering the levels of cholesterol that are considered 'safe'.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I've just had my annual review and been told that my cholesterol is to high!! The doctor will phone me next week to discuss statins. I'm not happy about taking statins but not sure if I should take the advice of a professional doctor!! I've been on a low carb high fat diet for 4 years now and at last have got my A1c to 45 which I'm pleased about but obviously still need to work on and hopefully get into non-diabetic levels. My cholesterol was good last year so I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me bring it down. My levels are as follows:
Serum Cholesterol total - 5.25 (high)
HDL - 1.68
LDL - 3.18 (high)
Total cholesterol HDL ratio - 3.13 (high)
Trigs - 0.85
Non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level - 3.6
Thanks in advance
Keep away from statins, They knock most Diabetic drugs dead. Try eating Blueberries & Raspberries (I eat them with breakfast) and maybe look at a supplement from Holland & Barrett. The doctors do not look for the cause , the get paid to push drugs and statins are the front runner at the moment.
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Active Member
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
I've just had my annual review and been told that my cholesterol is to high!! The doctor will phone me next week to discuss statins. I'm not happy about taking statins but not sure if I should take the advice of a professional doctor!! I've been on a low carb high fat diet for 4 years now and at last have got my A1c to 45 which I'm pleased about but obviously still need to work on and hopefully get into non-diabetic levels. My cholesterol was good last year so I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me bring it down. My levels are as follows:
Serum Cholesterol total - 5.25 (high)
HDL - 1.68
LDL - 3.18 (high)
Total cholesterol HDL ratio - 3.13 (high)
Trigs - 0.85
Non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level - 3.6
Thanks in advance
Do you do any form of exercise?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I take it you can’t find a link saying they are getting paid and how much either then, as your link from 2015 doesn’t seem to provide those details. I have looked and couldn’t find one either.
Its probably here somewhere.. but they make it very hard to find out the real figures..

I did post it somewhere else but can't recall which thread.
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Diet only
Dr. James le Fanu's recent book "Too Many Pills" has a whole chapter on QOF which is very enlightening.

mazza 2

Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Do you do any form of exercise?
Hi Yes I do lots of walking which includes up and down hills lol. I also do some exercises at home to try and work my muscles but not too much!! I spoke to the clinical pharmacist today and explained why I didn't want to take statins and that my ratio's were ok. He actually agreed with me but then said my risk factor for heart problems was just under 18%. I think it's q score or something. I asked him why and he said 1. I have diabetes even though it's controlled. 2. I am on 2.5mg blood pressure tablet although my blood pressure is well controlled. 3 I am an ex-smoker and 4. My mum had heart problems. I did explain that my mother had lots of co-morbilites which was a factor for her heart problems. Even so, he suggested I cut down on the fats as I told him I low-carb healthy fat but not to change my diet too much. So I suppose I can cut down on the cream although I don't have loads and cut out cheese. There isn't anything else I can cut down on really. He also said my levels will probably rise the older I get, but he will let me try and reduce my cholesterol and test at a later date. Will have to see how it goes.
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Type of diabetes
They are though.. or at least they get paid if a % of their diabetes patients are prescribed them.
I have no objection to being prescribed statins as long as I'm not expected to take them. Seems a bit of a waste of money though.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have no objection to being prescribed statins as long as I'm not expected to take them. Seems a bit of a waste of money though.
I'd far rather the money was spent on more useful things than swelling the profits of pharma companies...


Active Member
Hi Yes I do lots of walking which includes up and down hills lol. I also do some exercises at home to try and work my muscles but not too much!! I spoke to the clinical pharmacist today and explained why I didn't want to take statins and that my ratio's were ok. He actually agreed with me but then said my risk factor for heart problems was just under 18%. I think it's q score or something. I asked him why and he said 1. I have diabetes even though it's controlled. 2. I am on 2.5mg blood pressure tablet although my blood pressure is well controlled. 3 I am an ex-smoker and 4. My mum had heart problems. I did explain that my mother had lots of co-morbilites which was a factor for her heart problems. Even so, he suggested I cut down on the fats as I told him I low-carb healthy fat but not to change my diet too much. So I suppose I can cut down on the cream although I don't have loads and cut out cheese. There isn't anything else I can cut down on really. He also said my levels will probably rise the older I get, but he will let me try and reduce my cholesterol and test at a later date. Will have to see how it goes.
I think I've read that higher cholesterol actually has a protective effect with older women.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being cold
I've just had my annual review and been told that my cholesterol is to high!! The doctor will phone me next week to discuss statins. I'm not happy about taking statins but not sure if I should take the advice of a professional doctor!! I've been on a low carb high fat diet for 4 years now and at last have got my A1c to 45 which I'm pleased about but obviously still need to work on and hopefully get into non-diabetic levels. My cholesterol was good last year so I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me bring it down. My levels are as follows:
Serum Cholesterol total - 5.25 (high)
HDL - 1.68
LDL - 3.18 (high)
Total cholesterol HDL ratio - 3.13 (high)
Trigs - 0.85
Non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level - 3.6
Thanks in advance
I would be more interested in the ratio. Are you on the low carb lifestyle? I found Freshwell app (FREE) is easy to follow and very effective at bringing everything under control.

mazza 2

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
HI Pammypants, Yes, I've been on low carb diet since diagnosed in 2018. My cholesterol has only increased since last year. The ratio's are good but they say that my q risk for heart disease etc is just under 18 so if it goes to 20 they would like me to start a statin. We'll see Thanks


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Being cold
I've just had my annual review and been told that my cholesterol is to high!! The doctor will phone me next week to discuss statins. I'm not happy about taking statins but not sure if I should take the advice of a professional doctor!! I've been on a low carb high fat diet for 4 years now and at last have got my A1c to 45 which I'm pleased about but obviously still need to work on and hopefully get into non-diabetic levels. My cholesterol was good last year so I was wondering if anyone had some advice to help me bring it down. My levels are as follows:
Serum Cholesterol total - 5.25 (high)
HDL - 1.68
LDL - 3.18 (high)
Total cholesterol HDL ratio - 3.13 (high)
Trigs - 0.85
Non high density lipoprotein cholesterol level - 3.6
Thanks in advance
The doctor needs to look at the ratio with numbers like that stay away from statins. Try eating more eggs every day.
Well done for lowering you HbA1c look at Freshwell app.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Idiots, Animal harmers and most politicians.
Hi all,
Serum Cholesterol, 4.93
HDL. 1.26
LDL, 2.41
Trigs. 2.78
Offered statins said "no". have had covid and kidney infection in last three months so bloods way high. 17.8 mm/mol in March.. 11.0 today. On antibiotics for kidney infection for 7 days. feel so much better. I know trigs are way too high.