Really disappointed at test results


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thank you for responding and being so kind and helpful. I never knew that about iron. My mum has to take it so now I'm going to give her with vitamin c. Thank you for this.

As for this being the norm for me that's a scary though and sad. But I think you are right. Yes I haven't reached it but I will eventually. I was 41 then 38 now 40. It's only a matter of time. Yes thank you for explaining this I understand now there are contributing factors as well. Thank you for your help. It's appreciated.
Not everyone continues to rise so please don’t be despondent. And every test has some small margin of error. In reality you may have been static. Less stress, more sleep, marginally less carbs and a bit more fat/protein and you’ll be fine more than likely. Worrying as much as you are will only add to the pressure.


Well-Known Member
Not everyone continues to rise so please don’t be despondent. And every test has some small margin of error. In reality you may have been static. Less stress, more sleep, marginally less carbs and a bit more fat/protein and you’ll be fine more than likely. Worrying as much as you are will only add to the pressure.
I appreciate your comments. I'm trying hard to hold on and stay positive. But it's hard. I will keep your advice and information to heart and try and remember this. Thank you. Hope your well ?