HbA1c 94 to 34 in 3 months


Amazing result. You seem to have also won the lottery with your nurse!

It looks that way, I've a constant struggle with my DN all she wants to do is put me on as many tablets as she can lol
When my a1c went up to 137 I was already on 4 metformin and I even lost 4kg... She had me on blood thinners and Statins so she put me on 2 more tablets to bring down my glucose but the same diet, low fat diet. Shortly after I discovered intermittent fasting and low carb diet and in 4 months I went down to 47mmol/L for which she congratulated me but when she found out I was not taking any of the 6 diabetes medications she wasn't happy at all.....

I had the review 2 weeks ago and this time she wasn't happy because I stopped the blood thinner tablet and the statins.

I've done my homework on the blood thinner intended to protect my kidneys.... 18 months ago I was 25 points outside what is considered healthy and now I'm only 0.9 outside so not even a single point..... Whatever I'm doing it's working.

My cholesterol has gone up substantially but I've done my homework again and HDL is high which is good news, Triglycerides is normal and LDL is high and that is what is bothering her..... I need more information before I accept to go back on the tablet, a small dense particle count that is also high would persuade me but in the mean time I continue eating healthily and no more high carbs for me :)

I wouldn't like to see my DN anymore, I'm sure the doctor can order a blood test every 6 months.... It's not like a listen to her anymore.


Well-Known Member
It looks that way, I've a constant struggle with my DN all she wants to do is put me on as many tablets as she can lol
When my a1c went up to 137 I was already on 4 metformin and I even lost 4kg... She had me on blood thinners and Statins so she put me on 2 more tablets to bring down my glucose but the same diet, low fat diet. Shortly after I discovered intermittent fasting and low carb diet and in 4 months I went down to 47mmol/L for which she congratulated me but when she found out I was not taking any of the 6 diabetes medications she wasn't happy at all.....

I had the review 2 weeks ago and this time she wasn't happy because I stopped the blood thinner tablet and the statins.

I've done my homework on the blood thinner intended to protect my kidneys.... 18 months ago I was 25 points outside what is considered healthy and now I'm only 0.9 outside so not even a single point..... Whatever I'm doing it's working.

My cholesterol has gone up substantially but I've done my homework again and HDL is high which is good news, Triglycerides is normal and LDL is high and that is what is bothering her..... I need more information before I accept to go back on the tablet, a small dense particle count that is also high would persuade me but in the mean time I continue eating healthily and no more high carbs for me :)

I wouldn't like to see my DN anymore, I'm sure the doctor can order a blood test every 6 months.... It's not like a listen to her anymore.
Oh dear, I’m sorry you’ve not had support from your nurse, but well done on getting your HbA1c down to 47!


Oh dear, I’m sorry you’ve not had support from your nurse, but well done on getting your HbA1c down to 47!

Thank you!!!! Down to 40 on my last HbA1c I'm glad to say :)

I'm not that bothered the DN is so uninformed on latest developments, I can search and find the information that I need, I just wish she didn't make me feel she knows best.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have a DN like this also. It's a pity, but I'm old enough and experienced enough in real-world people-management that I don't actually give a monkey's. I can will and have educate(d) myself and will continue to do so. Help from Board members here has been beyond price. I keep Nursie on board because it's useful for me to continue to get testing strips and eye and foot checks. It's useful to the surgery to get the income from me being diagnosed T2. They get no income from diabetics in remission. I have been in remission since early October last year (diagnosed in September) but I got no credit for or even acknowledgement of it. Except on here.

Others have more educated and supportive medics, and so I try not to tar all with the same brush. Maybe in time there will be more good ones than the sort you are I have. Meanwhile, we know what to do.


Well-Known Member
I have another update.
Since the last blood result I stopped the Metformin completely and, as well as my 1 slice of toast first thing every morning (14g carbs) which I have had from day 1, I have been eating a small amount of potato with my evening meal most days (eg 1 roastie/6-8 chips/3 baby new potatoes) - all my other carbs come from green veg and a little fruit. Averaging 80-100g a day. I do seem to have developed a bad peanut butter habit (I’m doing a jar a week!) to replace my pre-diagnosis chocoholism...

Blood test last week, HbA1c now 32. BG first thing in the morning is up a bit, now averaging 6-6.5 (up from 5-5.5) but I think this is still ok(?)
Weight loss has really tapered off, I have lost about 4lb more in the last 8 weeks, but I think this is mainly due to being more active. 4st 9lb lost in total, BMI now 22, cholesterol down to 3.8
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have another update.
Since the last blood result I stopped the Metformin completely and, as well as my 1 slice of toast first thing every morning (14g carbs) which I have had from day 1, I have been eating a small amount of potato with my evening meal most days (eg 1 roastie/6-8 chips/3 baby new potatoes) - all my other carbs come from green veg and a little fruit. Averaging 80-100g a day. I do seem to have developed a bad peanut butter habit (I’m doing a jar a week!) to replace my pre-diagnosis chocoholism...

Blood test last week, HbA1c now 32. BG first thing in the morning is up a bit, now averaging 6-6.5 (up from 5-5.5) but I think this is still ok(?)
Weight loss has really tapered off, I have lost about 4lb more in the last 8 weeks, but I think this is mainly due to being more active. 4st 9lb lost in total, BMI now 22, cholesterol down to 3.8
You are an inspiration to others, please continue to do what you are doing. Best wishes.
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Well-Known Member
You are an inspiration to others, please continue to do what you are doing. Best wishes.
Thank you :)
I’m grateful for the help I’ve been given here on the forum, and if my experience helps anyone else, I’d be happy to have been able to pay it forward