Squished and diabetic within a year..


Hi all

New member Mike age 50+ here..

Been a roller coaster year got squished back in September by a 2.5 ton machine breaking my right leg 2 open and 1 closed fracture femur and tibia and a fractured heel, bones everywhere lol left me 7 months inactive though tbh I was not that active and food conscious before then but I don't suppose it helped

A week ago after a blood test for loss of vision and weight loss and here I am

blood was 22 when diagnosed but metphorin gllycazide and fish salad and fruit diet has me back at 6-8 today could murder a maccy dees and a guiness though.. lol..

Look fwd to reading the posts for tips bit of a minefield my education session at my gp consisted of a nurse handing me a million leaflets and a link to the website "go home and read them" lol

will also try to share mine as I discover this new reality though my cooking skills definitely need sharpening..

Tried my first bitter melon today stir fried with a bit of garlic and salad with a kipper from the market as I heard its good

Stir fry was edible lol.. kipper was good..

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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi, Mike. Welcome! Kipper sounds good; what is a bitter melon?

What on earth kind of 2.5-ton machine squished you? You weren't cutting hay in September? ...



Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welcome,

That sounds scary and painful. I hope you have recovered fully. It seems to take longer to recover as we grow older.

If you are missing McDonalds maybe try a cheese burger without the bun. That's something I have occasionally and as it has basically no carbs it doesn't cause my bloods to spike.



Hi, Mike. Welcome! Kipper sounds good; what is a bitter melon?

What on earth kind of 2.5-ton machine squished you? You weren't cutting hay in September? ...

View attachment 55027

I found a bitter melon online when trying to find out what I should eat lol.. give it a Google it will not let me share a link..
I can 9nly describe its look as a wrinkly gherkin..

then I found out they sell it on our local market after not being able to a supplement

There's a whole recipe for salting etc but I just washed removed the inner with a teaspoon sliced and stir fried going to try adding soy sauce next time as well as garlic

No hay cutting just a big pump I was working on at the time fell over..
