GO MAD DAY your thoughts


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Im a type 2 and follow a Low Carb medium Fat diet, probably about 50 grams a day in Milk, Drink lots of Coffee, and yoghurt for breakfast.
Last HbA1c was 5.5.
My Wife's got a Big Birthday coming up and wants to arrange a Buffet Breakfast at a nice venue, With the Family and Friends to Celebrate :singing:
The Buffet has Lots of nice things like Crumpets, Pancakes, Cup Cakes, Fruit, Juices, and the normal things I usually don't eat, Baked Beans, Sweet corn, Potato Cakes French Toast.etc.
Now the Question
Should I throw Caution to the wind, and eat all the things I want to, or stick to my diet,
Will one day in a year really cause any damage.?
I think I know what Im going to do :D

What would you do??
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I'd go for it. I am thinking ahead to Christmas Day and New Years Eve (which also happens to be my birthday) ......... I can't imagine depriving myself.
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I wouldn't, I'd ask for a continental as in meats and cheese etc. Mind you I was always a sucker for tatty scones, with egg, beans and bacon.
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Personally, I would go for it.

But please post back and let us know what your reading was afterwards!!

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I am going to a wedding next weekend and have been thinking how I will cope, will be there for afternoon and evening reception ! Maybe a treat but won't go mad and try to avoid the obvious high carb bits!!
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One day in a year won't hurt, but you may feel terrible and tired from all those carbs.

I have no choice as I can't eat wheat. Could you get the venue to supply you with something different.
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One day in a year won't hurt, but you may feel terrible and tired from all those carbs.

I have no choice as I can't eat wheat. Could you get the venue to supply you with something different.
I could, but do I want to ?:happy:
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Personally I would stick to the way I eat normally with a planned small treat, maybe something you really like that you just don't eat anymore like a crumpet with lashings of butter, I don't believe in denying yourself everything but I also don't believe in going mad and throwing caution to the wind either, hope you all have a lovely time whatever you decide to do, remember the important thing is having a special time and making new memories with your family:)
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Not many.
...I wouldn't have a Go Mad Day but I'd definitely have a few of the things I wouldn't normally eat, personally I think its easier to stick to LCMF/LCHF if you break out now and again....:hungry:
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You could always chose your favourite and just have half a portion.

If it was me I would also plan some exercise to do within an hour of indulging. Whilst I am checking how foods affect my blood sugar levels I occasionally make mistake - where its a low amount of carbs but raises my levels - I then do some exercise to get levels down quicker, such as running on the spot, brisk walk, dancing - anything to use up some energy :)

I might look a bit daft but who cares :)
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I would have a trial run (a scone or so) and see how you feel.

Sadly, I finally seem to be growing up :spitoutdummy: and have learned that, for my body, the steadier my BG is, the more awful I feel when I have a carb fest.

Last week I had half a profiterole, icecream and choc sauce pud. Not only was it sickly sweet and not very enjoyable, but I also felt tired, achey, listless, and grumpy for over 24 hours, starting only an hour after the dessert.

It was a miserable experience, and a useful lesson.

In your place, I wouldn't want to ruin my experience of such a great day, by feeling so bad...

Your mileage may vary!
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I hate abuse of any kind to humans or animals. I dislike judgmental people and people who are generally unkind, inconsiderate and have problems understanding the issues faced by others. I hate snakes!!! Cringe if I smell TCP!! and I cannot bare garlic!!
I would definitely have a "go mad day" life is too short to miss out on lovely life events, it's not going to harm you, long term, to have one day in which you get to eat and enjoy anything you like...........so go for it and have a wonderful day. :)
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I would definitely have a "go mad day" life is too short to miss out on lovely life events, it's not going to harm you, long term, to have one day in which you get to eat and enjoy anything you like...........so go for it and have a wonderful day. :)
Now there's the sort of answer I was hoping for:rolleyes: :happy: :)
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Funnily enough I did this on Saturday. I went to a party with ex-colleagues and they all took along good food. They are all great cooks and I wasn't going to deprive myself. I had little tasters of everything, avoided chunks of bread and pasta/rice salad, but did have a sliver of each pudding. My BS the next day (afternoon reading) was 5.7. However, and I don't know whether this is due to having carbs or is a mental issue because I know I had carbs, but I have been wanting more carbs this week and haven't been good at getting back on track with the diet.

So I'd go for it, but plan in for a way to get back into low carb gear afterwards. I should have had some of my favourite low carb foodstuffs about to keep myself in line. OMG - I am sooo weak willed!
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Maybe I could weaken some more and have the Juice as well ?
Followed by Ice Cream and Chocolate sauce....?
:p :angelic:
All in the name of Science?


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Hmmm well I did something similar today on a smaller scale. Picked up some filled baguettes for an impromptu picnic lunch with a friend. Added a packet of crisps and a rock cake to share and hit BS of 13.2 two hours later. Felt fine but wasn't happy. Its taken 5 hours, a lot of glasses of water and a plate full of salad leaves and smoked salmon for tea to get BS down to 7.3.

Proceed with caution?
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I'm in the same position, my eldest daughter gets married on Friday week, wedding breakfast, evening meal, cakes and drinks all day long.

Only recently diagnosed and not sure what to do, have managed to get BG to between 5.0 & 7.2 over the last 2 weeks.
did a little test , had a PayBar after dinner this evening, tested 2 hours later 8.7

Will one day do long term harm?

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