MRSA Type 1 & Operations


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Being type 1, my health and what really grates me are false people who make themselves out to be something when their not
Hello, I was meant to have my first of 4 operations to the L&R knees this week but it's been put off again as I still have MRSA (6 wks now) it just won't go, I know from years gone by when visiting GdParents and being an in patient I'd always get it but this is getting a problem as I'm in a lot of pain (with knees) I also don't drive so cabs to and fro to hospital to be swabbed each wk are costly. What I want to know is can people live with MRSA and I'm sure you can, I think have operations when you have this with careful management, although it's Basildon Hospital which apparently might be going into special measures again although I personally have never had a problem with. Sorry to go on :-(


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Tuna,People spitting on the floor and ironing.
Hello, I was meant to have my first of 4 operations to the L&R knees this week but it's been put off again as I still have MRSA (6 wks now) it just won't go, I know from years gone by when visiting GdParents and being an in patient I'd always get it but this is getting a problem as I'm in a lot of pain (with knees) I also don't drive so cabs to and fro to hospital to be swabbed each wk are costly. What I want to know is can people live with MRSA and I'm sure you can, I think have operations when you have this with careful management, although it's Basildon Hospital which apparently might be going into special measures again although I personally have never had a problem with. Sorry to go on :-(
Hi sorry to hear of your problems,i cannot answer you question but my nan caught this and she was told that she had to drink actimel everyday they gave this to her whilst she was in hospital with it and she had to continue to take it all the time.Hope you feel better soon Andrea.
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Being type 1, my health and what really grates me are false people who make themselves out to be something when their not
Thanks for the bit of info Snowy12 I've never heard of that myself so I'll look into that, I know I've always been told in the past that I've got it but nothing has ever been done before as I've not had surgery since 2004, but now it's body wash and nasal gel for 5 days at a time. It just makes you feel unclean and I've never been that . :)
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Tuna,People spitting on the floor and ironing.
Thanks for the bit of info Snowy12 I've never heard of that myself so I'll look into that, I know I've always been told in the past that I've got it but nothing has ever been done before as I've not had surgery since 2004, but now it's body wash and nasal gel for 5 days at a time. It just makes you feel unclean and I've never been that . :)
Try not to let it worry you to much which is easy for me to say as I am not in your situation.Before all the diabetes stuff I had the neurologist regarding my feet he done a load of blood tests including a gut test as he thought I had IBS he asked if I drank yalkult I do drink one every morning,my point is why would he say it and the hospital give it to my nan?My nan got hers due to being on too many antibiotics due to an ulcer she got on her leg which wouldn't clear up she did end up in hospital with it and that's when she had to start the actimel.
As for yourself it may be worth looking into and just think with all the gel and washing you need to do you will be as clean as a whistle;)
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Type of diabetes
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Bullies, Liars, Trolls and dishonest cruel people
Hello, I was meant to have my first of 4 operations to the L&R knees this week but it's been put off again as I still have MRSA (6 wks now) it just won't go, I know from years gone by when visiting GdParents and being an in patient I'd always get it but this is getting a problem as I'm in a lot of pain (with knees) I also don't drive so cabs to and fro to hospital to be swabbed each wk are costly. What I want to know is can people live with MRSA and I'm sure you can, I think have operations when you have this with careful management, although it's Basildon Hospital which apparently might be going into special measures again although I personally have never had a problem with. Sorry to go on :-(

Hi, I hope you can beat this MRSA virus and then you can get your first operation over and done with.
ps My ex SIL ( I'm still friends with) was a nurse in Basildon Hospital many years ago and still lives in Basildon. I have relatives in Laindon and Pitsea.

Take care and good luck

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The way I understand it is that a healthy person can live with MRSA with no problems. However they test people before going into hospital for planned operations now so that the MRSA doesn't spread to vulnerable patients. This makes sense to me as my father died of MRSA 18 years ago. When I went in for minor operations I was swabbed and was clear. Did the hospital give you anything to treat MRSA?


Well-Known Member
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Being type 1, my health and what really grates me are false people who make themselves out to be something when their not
The way I understand it is that a healthy person can live with MRSA with no problems. However they test people before going into hospital for planned operations now so that the MRSA doesn't spread to vulnerable patients. This makes sense to me as my father died of MRSA 18 years ago. When I went in for minor operations I was swabbed and was clear. Did the hospital give you anything to treat MRSA?

Yes they did I'm using Octenisan nasal gel and a body/hair wash for 5 days and re-swabbed every 9th apx day I'm being swabbed this Monday, I'm patient I've got all the time in the world to beat this. Tesco's tomorrow for some Actimel or Yakult whatever's cheapest give that a whirl see what happens :)
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Yes they did I'm using Octenisan nasal gel and a body/hair wash for 5 days and re-swabbed every 9th apx day I'm being swabbed this Monday, I'm patient I've got all the time in the world to beat this. Tesco's tomorrow for some Actimel or Yakult whatever's cheapest give that a whirl see what happens :)
Let us all know how you get on Take Care Andrea.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Being type 1, my health and what really grates me are false people who make themselves out to be something when their not
Well yesterday afternoon received a call from hospital, my MRSA is now in my groin, nose, throat and ears so today I've got to cab it to hospital to be swabbed and collect another three appointments and more antibiotics, Oh Hum, this must be my gift from Santa! , Bah Humbug my operation seems to be eluding me further. :-(


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Tuna,People spitting on the floor and ironing.
Well yesterday afternoon received a call from hospital, my MRSA is now in my groin, nose, throat and ears so today I've got to cab it to hospital to be swabbed and collect another three appointments and more antibiotics, Oh Hum, this must be my gift from Santa! , Bah Humbug my operation seems to be eluding me further. :-(

Oh that is a shame It definitely does not want to leave you does it.
Good luck at the hospital I hope you can get some answers.