Type 2's: What was your fasting blood glucose in a morning?

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Not testing this morning, it would be pointless, family over yesterday and a little too much of the grape and vod,
Ergo will be reading under 4 but a false one.

Good news is i don't suffer with after effects of over imbibing, lots of water this morning a little extra exercise and will test
This afternoon.

Happy days.
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cold ethyl

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6.6 here. In bed with cold. Starting to look a lot like Christmas chez Ethyl. I have been ill every year for last 6 years!! Still Mr E made me scrambled eggs ( first time he has made them ever) and a nice slice spelt bread. I can't see today being a very low carb day if he is cooking, as I suspect tea will be from chippy!!
Interesting people mentioning the pain as I get it occasionally and did wonder about gallstones. I think some of mine is scar tissue from my endometriosis as it is worse at certain times of the month.
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Well, after stating categorically that my liver doesn't like me lower than mid 5's overnight, it did a U-turn last night (almost)

5.0 at bedtime
5.1 this morning - my lowest ever. :):):):):)
That calls for a PARTYEEEEEE

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6.6 here. In bed with cold. Starting to look a lot like Christmas chez Ethyl. I have been ill every year for last 6 years!! Still Mr E made me scrambled eggs ( first time he has made them ever) and a nice slice spelt bread. I can't see today being a very low carb day if he is cooking, as I suspect tea will be from chippy!!
Interesting people mentioning the pain as I get it occasionally and did wonder about gallstones. I think some of mine is scar tissue from my endometriosis as it is worse at certain times of the month.

Dose yourself up, hot toddy, plenty of fluids. Chippy tea sounds perfect. Feed a cold and all that. ;)
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9.2 this morning
9.6 last night
8 before tea.
????????.. Just considering trying a new insulin pen when felt strange and yep, hypo ! At 3.6 ?. So I'm now doing at lot of head scratching. So far just splinters in my fingers.
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I thought the pancreas was below the sternum and the gallbladder somewhere between the liver and right kidney. I could be wrong though.
I only know we have to keep the fats up to keep the gallbladder flushing properly to stop gallstones.
But also, not too high that we cause pancreatitis.
Gall bladder pain commonly presents as a dull ache under right ribs with referred pain high in right shoulder..pancreatic pain presents as agony and vomiting and severe pain under ribs on left but diffuse...an overworked liver feels painful on taking a deep breath. I would get medical help for this type of discomfort. Hope you feel better soon
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Gall bladder pain commonly presents as a dull ache under right ribs with referred pain high in right shoulder..pancreatic pain presents as agony and vomiting and severe pain under ribs on left but diffuse...an overworked liver feels painful on taking a deep breath. I would get medical help for this type of discomfort. Hope you feel better soon
I think we all need one of you in the bathroom medicine cabinet.:D
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8.1 this morning. I'm now into my second week since being diagnosed, following an 11.5 result at my GP's surgery. Since getting my own meter I've recorded as follows:

Sat 20 Dec - 8.1
Fri 19 Dec - 8.6
Thu 18 Dec - 10.3
Wed 17 Dec - 10.8
Tue 16 Dec - 12.1

Would you believe that the battery failed in my 5 day old Codefree meter this morning, and I had to go out and replace it before I could test? Grrr!

Anyway, I am well pleased that my completely revised eating/drinking habits, plus the meds - now 2 x 500 Metformin - has resulted in such immediate results.

My next check up with the GP is on 09 January and I'm determined to surprise her!
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Hi all
Well readings have gone down but having a weird tightness and pain just at the bottom of my ribs and slight nagging uncomfortable pain. Dont know what's causing it but it's been few days now and it hasn't gone away
6.0 after Christmas dinner last night had tiramisu ice cream and ferero rocher so was surprised to see the reading
5.4 fasting
Feroro Rocher WOW! How ?do tell... sorry to hear of your tightness and pain. Hope that clears up.
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8.1 this morning. I'm now into my second week since being diagnosed, following an 11.5 result at my GP's surgery. Since getting my own meter I've recorded as follows:

Sat 20 Dec - 8.1
Fri 19 Dec - 8.6
Thu 18 Dec - 10.3
Wed 17 Dec - 10.8
Tue 16 Dec - 12.1

Would you believe that the battery failed in my 5 day old Codefree meter this morning, and I had to go out and replace it before I could test? Grrr!

Anyway, I am well pleased that my completely revised eating/drinking habits, plus the meds - now 2 x 500 Metformin - has resulted in such immediate results.

My next check up with the GP is on 09 January and I'm determined to surprise her!
Its better, if you continue to watch your carbs hopefully you can get it down to guideline numbers. Keep it up. It took me a month. My starting position was worse than yours. But as we all say on here we are all unique in our response and reaction. Thee only thing that is a FACT is that the right foods in the right proportions will reduce your OWN situation. Best of LUCK on your journey.
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Feroro Rocher WOW! How ?do tell... sorry to hear of your tightness and pain. Hope that clears up.
Open the mouth and in it went :) it was blissful moment I do not want to forget atleast till next Christmas. Had some cake in office yesterday but did not have that but then had some rice in evening but bloods were fine.
This pain has been for about a week now but I will get it checked.
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Open the mouth and in it went :) it was blissful moment I do not want to forget atleast till next Christmas. Had some cake in office yesterday but did not have that but then had some rice in evening but bloods were fine.
This pain has been for about a week now but I will get it checked.
Yes do get it checked. I've been kicking myself cos I never had my bloods tested for the last 3 years despite being sent reminders until I got DX. ANyway sO pleased you were able to enjoy your Ferroro Rocha. I was saying to someone recently before my DX that when we were kids chocolates were real treats cos we couldn't afford them and we used to look longingly at the lad that used to bring a bottle of Corona Cream Soda to the park and hope we would get a swig off him. The pleasure is that much greater. So I will give myself the odd similar treat. Anyway hope all goes well in the check up and have a GReat Xmas
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
:)7.1 mmol/l getting better after the cold.
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Retired Moderator
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I reversed my Type 2
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4.2 for me today. My body is still fighting the good fight, with my throat glands joining in the party today. I hope the dull headache pushes off before tomorrow, when we are out to lunch.

Today will be spent mainly doing as little as possible!

Enjoy, playmates.
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