Type 2: How Many carbs can i have a day?


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Im not sure how many carbs I am allowed through each day? Do I count them? am I allowed so many? I haven't been told by the doctor or nurse what an average carb count would be each day, confused. Do I calorie count or carb count. I was told to follow low carb diet? Aim for low in sugars too. I thought if you were Diabetic you had to have sugar free?
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Worthing, UK.
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Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Hi @vicky61

I would say that you are likely to find it hugely beneficial if you cut sugar out !

Sugar is a carbohydrate, but carbohydrates come in many different forms. Bread, pasta, potato, rice and some fruits are examples. You are likely to find it beneficial if you reduce your portion sizes. The reference intake of carbs is 260g a day, but on this forum you will meet people who have set their intake level very low (like 50g) and many in the mid range (100 - 150g). Basically you have to find out what's right for you, we cannot tell you.

Look at your carb intake and see where you can make reductions. You don't have to go mad cutting down to 50g in one go, take it in stages and see how you get on.

Check your blood glucose before and after meals so that you can see how much your levels rise for a given meal.

Don't panic, it gets easier.
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Hi @vicky61,

Nobody can tell you how many carbs are right for you as we all respond differently. If you read around the forums you will see that some people eat as little as 20 per day whilst others can manage on 120 /150 or anything in between. It is your blood glucose meter that decides. You have to be prepared to experiment and keep a food diary. There are also times that your blood sugar will rise due to other factors including less/more exercise, feeling unwell and stress to name a few. If you are taking non diabetic medications you need to read up about them as some of these can raise your blood sugars.

You might get a high reading with a particular carb and so eating a smaller amount might work. If that does not then that food may have to be given up and a substitute found.

This is contained in the advice you were given by daisy1:-

Eating what works for you

Different people respond differently to different types of food. What works for one person may not work so well for another. The best way to see which foods are working for you is to test your blood sugar with a glucose meter.

To be able to see what effect a particular type of food or meal has on your blood sugar is to do a test before the meal and then test after the meal. A test 2 hours after the meal gives a good idea of how your body has reacted to the meal.

Hope this helps. You will get there but it will not happen overnight so regard it as a marathon rather than a sprint.
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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
I seem to be able to understand what you've both said, thank you urbanracer and Catherinecherub and the info from daisy, I went back and read it again after I post my question, but its good to know of others ways too, so once again thanks. I will get the monitor sorted.
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Perth, Western Oz
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Diet only
I've found through experimentation that I can't exceed 25g at any one meal without going above my 7.8 upper limit target. That's just me though. The following video gives a method of establishing your personal tolerance:

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New Zealand
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Im not sure how many carbs I am allowed through each day? Do I count them? am I allowed so many? I haven't been told by the doctor or nurse what an average carb count would be each day, confused. Do I calorie count or carb count. I was told to follow low carb diet? Aim for low in sugars too. I thought if you were Diabetic you had to have sugar free?
I try to avoid sugar as much as possible. I drink sprite zero and use artificial sweetener in my coffee. I used to eat around 400g of carb a day, then I dropped to 100-150, then found I was actually eating 50-70g a day. I don't plan to go lower until I hit a plateau with my weight loss, which I think is inevitable. Not going to enjoy going lower, but I really want to get under a BMI of 25 for the first time since my teens (I'm 42).

I have found that using full fat options like yoghurt, butter etc helps me feel full and not crave carbs. It also gives me energy. I have found out I adore clotted cream and will have one or two spoonfuls as a snack to keep me going.

When my weight loss plateaus I might count up my calories and try to limit them along with limiting carbs. But for now I am only counting carbs. I find that I automatically don't eat too many calories, as the foods that made me gain weight in the past were high carb, high calorie (in the portion sizes I was eating) - bread, potatoes, rice, pasta, cereal, biscuits, cakes, pizza, milkshakes, ice cream, chocolate. I am eating much smaller meals now because the fat content is satisfying.
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Thank you Indy and Catlady,

I have quite a bit of weight to lose, I should have put my mind to it before, but im not going to beat myself up about it now. I feel a bit better on myself today, yesterday was awful for me......so I started the day on a positive feel again. I have 2 slipped dics and a old ankle injury which limits me to exercise, pain on walking and standing etc after so long, but ive been on the wii fit today again, not much exercise I know, but I can feel my self warming up :D Im aiming to lose a stone for Christmas, that is a small portion of what I need to lose, that's about 12 weeks away I think, ive lost 3lbs up to now....I think i will count the carbs, the nurse told meto aim for low fat too, but when i read quite a few of you in the forum have cream etc, and in the atkins diet book it says have cream instead of milk but mix it with water... Im not doing Atkins diet, its a book ive used before, I just have been looking for ideas...

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my questions all, :)


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I found it easier to cut carb intake to as close to zero as possible then re-introduce them to find my personal tolerance level for various foods.
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Hi Bluetit and Sirmione, thanks, ive took notes from the link Bluetit and put them in my jotter, makes good reading and once in my jotter I can quickly look at anytime when im not on the lappy and need some reassurance and reminding. :)
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New Zealand
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Thank you Indy and Catlady,

I have quite a bit of weight to lose, I should have put my mind to it before, but im not going to beat myself up about it now. I feel a bit better on myself today, yesterday was awful for me......so I started the day on a positive feel again. I have 2 slipped dics and a old ankle injury which limits me to exercise, pain on walking and standing etc after so long, but ive been on the wii fit today again, not much exercise I know, but I can feel my self warming up :D Im aiming to lose a stone for Christmas, that is a small portion of what I need to lose, that's about 12 weeks away I think, ive lost 3lbs up to now....I think i will count the carbs, the nurse told meto aim for low fat too, but when i read quite a few of you in the forum have cream etc, and in the atkins diet book it says have cream instead of milk but mix it with water... Im not doing Atkins diet, its a book ive used before, I just have been looking for ideas...

Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my questions all, :)
I agree with not beating yourself up about it. I have a lot of weight to lose at the moment and I am working on just accepting that and focusing on doing my best. People generally do the best they can with the knowledge and resources they have at the time.

I have had slipped discs before so I know the pain :( If at all possible, I recommend getting a referral to a specialist - orthopaedic or neurosurgical - and getting an MRI done. This will help them decide what to recommend. Physiotherapy can help, as well as a steroid injection. Although the latter will raise blood sugars temporarily, I know of someone who had permanent pain relief from it. So I think it's worth getting more info about the nature of your injury and the pros and cons of treatment options. As a last resort some people even have surgery, which of course has pros and cons to be carefully weighed up. Good luck with getting some resolution to your back pain.

The same may be true for your ankle injury - specialist referral and tests may help. If not, then voltaren emulgel may help, or even oral medication (although the side effects aren't great). Chronic pain is not good for our physical or mental health.
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Active Member
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Diet only
I've found through experimentation that I can't exceed 25g at any one meal without going above my 7.8 upper limit target. That's just me though. The following video gives a method of establishing your personal tolerance:

Me too. 25g-30g carbs a day seems to work for me. And actually I am quite liking this new way of living!
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Type of diabetes
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I agree with not beating yourself up about it. I have a lot of weight to lose at the moment and I am working on just accepting that and focusing on doing my best. People generally do the best they can with the knowledge and resources they have at the time.

I have had slipped discs before so I know the pain :( If at all possible, I recommend getting a referral to a specialist - orthopaedic or neurosurgical - and getting an MRI done. This will help them decide what to recommend. Physiotherapy can help, as well as a steroid injection. Although the latter will raise blood sugars temporarily, I know of someone who had permanent pain relief from it. So I think it's worth getting more info about the nature of your injury and the pros and cons of treatment options. As a last resort some people even have surgery, which of course has pros and cons to be carefully weighed up. Good luck with getting some resolution to your back pain.

The same may be true for your ankle injury - specialist referral and tests may help. If not, then voltaren emulgel may help, or even oral medication (although the side effects aren't great). Chronic pain is not good for our physical or mental health.

Hi Catlady, Thank you, ive had all you've mentioned above, except the voltaren emulgel, will give it a go. Result from the MRI showed I had 2 slipped disc, L4 and L5, and from that I was told, although they were damaged they weren't bad enough for a operation, which I then asked so why am I in constant daily pain when I do anything, the doctor told me that the MRI couldn't see into my nerves so he could`nt know what it was doing to my nerves, and that everyone was different with the pain from slipped disc`s etc. They have sent me for the cortisone injection, ive had acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, medication, (this either makes me feel sick or drowsy, which I don't want to be, so don't take as I should, and I had an unexplained fit which I think was from one of the pain killers. Ive been on a pain management course, which after that they said the end of the road, so I learn to live with it, and manage it by stopping and starting, etc etc, too long to tell everything, but it does effect my nerves in my muscles in my legs too, causing a soreness as well as the pain. My ankle, well I was told after my treatment and again pain coming back etc and going that its left me with arthritis in it, etc...always said I was odd.... :rolleyes: Im be fine though, its something I do put up with, but does get me down at times, Thank you for helping Catlady, means a lot to me. :) kind regards Vicky
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New Zealand
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Hi Catlady, Thank you, ive had all you've mentioned above, except the voltaren emulgel, will give it a go. Result from the MRI showed I had 2 slipped disc, L4 and L5, and from that I was told, although they were damaged they weren't bad enough for a operation, which I then asked so why am I in constant daily pain when I do anything, the doctor told me that the MRI couldn't see into my nerves so he could`nt know what it was doing to my nerves, and that everyone was different with the pain from slipped disc`s etc. They have sent me for the cortisone injection, ive had acupuncture, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, medication, (this either makes me feel sick or drowsy, which I don't want to be, so don't take as I should, and I had an unexplained fit which I think was from one of the pain killers. Ive been on a pain management course, which after that they said the end of the road, so I learn to live with it, and manage it by stopping and starting, etc etc, too long to tell everything, but it does effect my nerves in my muscles in my legs too, causing a soreness as well as the pain. My ankle, well I was told after my treatment and again pain coming back etc and going that its left me with arthritis in it, etc...always said I was odd.... :rolleyes: Im be fine though, its something I do put up with, but does get me down at times, Thank you for helping Catlady, means a lot to me. :) kind regards Vicky
Sorry to hear. So, just checking, you had a steroid injection in your back but it didn't provide much pain relief? And is surgery on your ankle not realistic?

I still believe that in many cases the body will gradually heal itself, to some extent. Maybe new pain meds will be developed that will be worth a try. I am on meds for chronic pain from endometriosis - they have done everything else and this is the best option at this time. So I know what it's like. Hugs.
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Yes Catlady, I had the injection into my back, and it gave no relieve for the pain I had/have. The ankle injury was a fall from down a slippy grass banking while away camping in 2009.... I didn't go to the hospital until the next day as the party I was with we had all been drinking, well just started but still had a drink, which by the time i went to the hospital it had swollen badly and I wasn't able to have a pot of any sort put on i was told because of the swelling and advised me to go to my local hospital when I returned home, I was put on a stretchy support bandage and given crutches to help me walk. I had treatment eventually through physio etc on my ankle, didn't need a operation etc, didnt have a pot put on, and was told I had a small fracture and a small piece of bone had been chipped off. I was on crutches for near on six months. So now my ankle is okay in a fashion except reoccurring pain now and again. Don't suppose my age helps,

Hugs to you too, catlady, sorry youre in chronic pain,
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Well-Known Member
New Zealand
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Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Yes Catlady, I had the injection into my back, and it gave no relieve for the pain I had/have. The ankle injury was a fall from down a slippy grass banking while away camping in 2009.... I didn't go to the hospital until the next day as the party I was with we had all been drinking, well just started but still had a drink, which by the time i went to the hospital it had swollen badly and I wasn't able to have a pot of any sort put on i was told because of the swelling and advised me to go to my local hospital when I returned home, I was put on a stretchy support bandage and given crutches to help me walk. I had treatment eventually through physio etc on my ankle, didn't need a operation etc, didnt have a pot put on, and was told I had a small fracture and a small piece of bone had been chipped off. I was on crutches for near on six months. So now my ankle is okay in a fashion except reoccurring pain now and again. Don't suppose my age helps,

Hugs to you too, catlady, sorry youre in chronic pain,
Thanks Vicki, the meds help a lot. A friend of mine had an ankle fracture that didn't heal well and eventually she had surgery, which helped.
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I've been a bit resistant to lchf as my cholesterol went up when I started so I'm now doing lowish carbs med fat & that seems to suit me. I don't worry about carbs in veg at all or in my dairy but don't eat potatoes or bread very often. I've found that wholemeal pasta & brown rice which have been cooked, cooled & reheated don't affect my level (only have small portions though) so I eat those to help my digestion
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Diet only
I've been a bit resistant to lchf as my cholesterol went up when I started so I'm now doing lowish carbs med fat & that seems to suit me. I don't worry about carbs in veg at all or in my dairy but don't eat potatoes or bread very often. I've found that wholemeal pasta & brown rice which have been cooked, cooled & reheated don't affect my level (only have small portions though) so I eat those to help my digestion
I do the same and eat full fat as opposed to low fat foods. I don't have a lot of bread - if I do it's the seeded variety and also cut down on potatoes. If I have sausages or burgers I ensure that they are the high meat content sausages (like Black Farmers) and steak burgers. I can eat re-heated rice and pasta but have to ensure that that I don't go overboard and have too big a portion!
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Donegal Ireland
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Type 2
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I seem to be able to understand what you've both said, thank you urbanracer and Catherinecherub and the info from daisy, I went back and read it again after I post my question, but its good to know of others ways too, so once again thanks. I will get the monitor sorted.
Hi Vicky like yourself I was diagnosed with type 2 just last week. Theres a lot of things to get your head around to start off with but it is trial and error. I have started by writing down everything i am eating and testing my blood sugars as suggested by many on here, just before your meal and 2 hours after it. In doing it this way you can easily see where the problem areas in your food are. I had spaghetti hoops on toast yesterday and my readings rocketed so i wont be having that again in a hurry. I know writing everything down is a big task to start with but worthwhile until you get to know your limits. Good luck with it all.
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