Recent Content by Alanej

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    Thrush and type 2 diabetic

    I was suffering from Athlete's foot while skiing in France (this is relevant I promise!). Decided to get some cream from the pharmacy, so looked up Athlete's Foot in French - mycose. Asked for some "crème contre mycose", and got into a long conversation - was it for me? where did I get the...
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    Low Carbing and Indian Food

    Re: Low Carbing and Indian Food. Both my wife and I follow low carb diets - me because I'm T2, her to keep weight in check (successfully!). We replace indian bread/rice totally with (at home) finely shredded cabbage, steamed for 5 minutes, then tossed in a light olive oil in which a...
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    DUK's new position statement on Low carbing.

    It is certainly possible to have a hypo as a T2. I'm on 1 gram of Metformin, aged 64 and T2 for 3 years. I follow a fairly low carb regime, which keeps my HbA1c at 6.2 or so. Last summer I took a cable car to the top of an Alp and walked down. This was after some eggs and ham for breakfast, but...
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    Hi everyone

    Thanks for your thoughts Cugila. I am not undertaking an ongoing course of steroid treatment, but a one-off injection under X-ray into the hip joint capsule itself. My hip cartiledge on the top of the femur has gaps in it (worn out!), and the injection stops the inflamation and pain for about a...
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    Hi everyone

    I'm 62 and was diagnosed T2 in May. HbA1C is too high - around 8.5. Take 2grams of Metformin daily without any problems, plus ACE inhibitor and statin. I have osteoarthritis of my hips; had the left hip replaced last year, and after 6 months all was fantastic - then fell skiing and dislocated my...