Recent Content by bonkers82

  1. B


    Yes told them im taking jardiance and wasnt told to stop etc. Just drink plenty and eat as normal. As long as i feel well thats ok
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    The basic improvement on my health was almost instantaneous. Ive always had a pulse of around 130 bpm. Its now down to around 80-90. In the 3 weeks of not drinking alcohol during the week ive lost around 7lb, which i had attributed to the lack of alcohol. A&e says this blip with ketones is...
  3. B


    I raised the issue of ketosis versus ketoacidosis and was told no. Angry that ive spent 2 days in a&e and wasting their time/resources. From my 1st diagnosis ive always tried to keep informed etc. Have become a bit obsessed with ketones now tho. Have ordered ketostix, just to keep an eye on...
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    Awk not for 1 min did i think you were blaming me etc. Im in total agreement re wasting of resources. Im angry that i flared up my recent 'awakening' re alcohol, and the jardiance but it wasnt picked up on until today. Felt like a prick afterwards.
  5. B


    Reduced alcohol consumption but i did ask the dr yesterday in a&e could this be the cause and was advised no. Just honna take things slowly, day by day and hopefully things will settle down. Have ordered ketostix
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    Discharged from a&e, ketones 3.2. Apparently the issue is a positive change in my lifestyle i made around 3.5 weeks ago. Only return if i feel unwell
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    Went to doctors this morning. Ketones checked via blood. They were 3.5, so im back in a&e hoping to be seen soon and by a specialist from the diabetes team or endocrine dept. Thoroughly fed up
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    So confused by the whole thing. The drips were sodium chloride i believe. Was released and told to drink plenty of fluid to flush the system.
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    Feel like im running a blind gauntlet. And with dangerous consequences. Im planning on being 1st at the gp in the morning providing i waken up
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    Hi folks. Im not on a low carb diet. If anything i would have to many carbs. I nor the gp can understand the high ketones but perfect glucose x
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    Have type 2, metformin, gliclazide and jardiance. Was at routine check up, blood glucose levels perfect. Diabetic nurse checked my urine, it showed ketones. DN checked ketones using blood check, ketones initially at 1.1. Was sent to A &E, levels rose to 3.2. After 2 drips they dropped to...
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    New meter

    How often can you get a new meter (free)? How would I do this? TIA
  13. B

    extra medication??

    To be honest i dont have a routine with eating. Id try and have some breakfast, toast with benecol butter. For lunch ive been having cup a soup, with bread. For tea, a 'normal' meat, veg and spuds. In NI potatoes and bread are involved in every meal have cut down as much is possible...
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    extra medication??

    Im 40, probably around 12 stone, although this can fluctuate by 7lbs daily. Dont know bmi.
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    extra medication??

    Been type 2 from april 2011, always diet and medicine controlled. Bloods were high in february so my meds were upped to 100mg metformin in morning and 1000mg at teattime, also 160mg gliclazide in morning with 80mg at teattime. Bloods are up again, averaging around 15ish. I dont want to go on...