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  • Hello carson_duck, KennyA has kindly sent me a form for a research form to complete and return to you. how do i send this to you? Do I just pop it here or is there a private box I need to send it too?

    Thank you

    Thank you for getting in touch, if you could please send the document via email to [email protected] I will then pass it over to the board for approval.

    Kind regards,
    Hello Carson_dcuk, I can't seem to reply under the post I put up keep getting notification of "Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console." if I try using the app, I get "Your account is currently inactive because your email address is not confirmed" but I have confirmed my email. Any help appreciated, thank you!
    Hi Laura1988,

    I apologize for not getting back sooner, I have been on leave for the past while. This might be an issue when posting a link in the reply, even if you are not posting a link directly, if you are quoting a post that has a link in it, this can trigger the reaction from the forum. I hope this helps but please do get back in touch if you need any further assistance.

    Hi Can you help me
    I can post via the webpage but the app keeps telling me my email is not verified
    I have clicked the link to verify the email a few times
    Hi Ian,

    Thank you for getting in touch, It looks like your account is in a valid state and has been verified. Would you be able to send me a screenshot of the error message you receive?

    Kind regards,
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