Recent Content by ES3

  1. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Yeah your right, not so bad!
  2. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Maybe not anytime soon hahaha
  3. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Oh wow, yeah thats sounds great, ill do my research, thank you.
  4. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    No honestly I had no information at all so this is all very helpful so I really appreciate it.
  5. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    What was the website useful for?
  6. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Where did you find the prices & like insurances quotes if you used any? If you don't mind me asking? Thank you
  7. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Hmm yeah, was thinking that it would be ridiculous price. Well until the prices change in the US I guess it'll be a no go
  8. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Ahh I see, I wasn't sure what the maximum amount of time was but thats helped a lot, have a good trip!
  9. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    I see, well thats new info to me so thats great thank you for the help! :)
  10. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Ahhh I see. thank you!
  11. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Yeah so at the minute in the UK I am on Fiasp & the Levemir at night, just not sure where to find insurance to cover that because I know how expensive it is in the US but thank you :)
  12. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Ahhh okay, are you working over there if you don't mind me asking?
  13. E

    Type 1 Moving Country

    Wanting to move to the USA to work for 6 - 12 months? Hello, my name is Egan, I'm 21 years old & I live in the UK. I was wondering if anybody knew anything or could recommend anything because I'm looking at working in the United States for about 6 months, I wasn't sure where to start, questions...