Recent Content by Kaffi-x

  1. K

    Fear of going low and struggling to put weight on

    Hi, my name is Kathy and this is my first time posting. I’m here to try and find some help or advice from other T1. Before I was diagnosed T1 in 2015 I was average 50kg (I’m 5’3). To me it was a healthy weight and for the first two years of T1 I was able to maintain it and have semi good...
  2. K

    Meet up 5, 12th of March 2016, 2pm at

    Wow, looks like you guys had a great time. Unfortunately I couldn't make it (again! :'(! ) sorry I didn't let you guys know in advance. Once you set the date for the next one, I will do everything I can to make it. looked so much fun ! Glad everyone had a good time :) ! K x
  3. K

    Meet up 5, 12th of March 2016, 2pm at

    Great! I am very much looking forward to this! :happy:
  4. K

    Meet up 5, 12th of March 2016, 2pm at

    Hi, I am new to this. Actually this is my first post ever, haven't even introduced myself yet. I am relatively newly diagnosed (last year October). Still learning and adjusting to everything, so would be great to meet other people alike :). Hope I am welcomed(?) :)