Lamont D
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  • Thank you. I live in North Yorkshire but will travel to see the right endocrinologist
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    I'm aware of idiopathic postprandial syndrome but the doctor says her system won't accept it so its unrecognized by them
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    That is good, there is a thread about IPS in our forum.
    And I have seen papers that state it is a condition. Wikipedia has a page on it.
    You can post in the forums. It is quite easy and you will get a lot more different views.
    There is a condition called idiopathic postprandial syndrome. It is a condition that is like RH but you don't go hypo, Google it. Ok
    I suggest you test pre meal and two, then three, then four hours after food. That way you can track levels.
    It all depends on when you test. If you are doing fasting or random this will not give you a true picture. I have normal levels fasting.
    Hi, I could recommend an endocrinologist but it all depends where you live, don't give me precise location, put down north east etc.
    hi, I suffer from the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia but sugar levels are within normal range and the Dr won't give a name to it. Have you heard of an endocrinologist who can help with this?
    I also get severe cramps in my hands and legs/feet after eating as well
    This is severely impacting my life and and I've had episodes so bad I've been delirious and felt like I'm about to take my last breath. the Dr has no idea and no help at all
    Hello. I have post prandial reactive hypoglycaemia.Since 25 August this year I have been following LCHF. I am finding that I am unable to tolerate even the smallest amount of carbs now before I start very deep yawning and get blurry vision and dreadful pains behind my eyes. Is it a symptom of going into ketosis? Regards Atlantico
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Hi, I'm not sure, blurred vision is a symptom of up and down blood sugar. It can be either, but I suspect it's dropping.
    Don't give up, see it through, being in ketosis is the best treatment for RH.
    As you say very little carbs upset you, you don't need them. Get your balance of protein and fats, vegetables and food that doesn't spike you.
    It works.
    Why would you want to be ill? Best wishes
    hello sir.. m hypoglycemic.. my blood sugar goes low after two hours of eating.. m vegetarian but want to try low carb diet.. kindly help me on this.. thanx sir
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    I've replied on the RH forum.
    Don't call me sir, I work for a living!!!
    Can you give me an example of what you eat throughout the day including snacks?
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Hi, I usually don't eat breakfast, but if I do, eggs, boiled, ham salad for lunch, then chicken, pork for tea, then Greek yogurt and chocolate with fruit. Small pieces of fruit instead of snacks.
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    You might have to watch how much fruit you eat!
    I try to be as low carb as possible, avoid anything that isn't saturated fat. Eat small meals anytime, don't stick to regular mealtimes. If you are not hungry, don't eat because it's lunch, dinner etc.
    Hi Lamont, Mandy here. I seem to be having problems replying via the RH thread. Thank you so much for your info and as soon as I get my dietician appointments for my new diagnosed RH I am sure i am going to need support
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    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Hopefully, your dietician Isis better and more low carb savvy than mine. All I can add is that the condition is dietary controlled. Avoid food that makes you ill
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    What is the problem with viewing the RH forum?
    Hi Lamont. I have been trying to improve my lifestyle via the lowering of the carbohydrates in my diet, the increase in my fat and fibre consumption and also by walking lightly for 25 minutes every day after each meal. This morning I tested my BS and it was at 4.0. An hour after breakfast it was 6.7. Is this rise acceptable or would you classify it a spike that requires tweaking my diet?
    Hi Lamont. Thanks for your reply. My meal consisted of 2 scrambled eggs, a thin slice of well buttered wholemeal toast, a quarter of a small sour apple and a glass of water. Update: I had the same breakfast today with some soya milk instead of the apple however my BS went up to 7.0 from a fasting of 4.7. I don't know where I'm going wrong. I hypoed a lot the week before so expect I may be on the glucose swing again.
    From a fasting BS of say 4.5, what rise in my BS do you think I should be aiming for? I am testing every day hoping that my peaks get smaller.
    I'd say that was absolutely fine.
    Could you please help me
    I am 31 mela
    My father have T2
    In 2015 I preform gtt test and my results
    Fasting _82
    1hr_ 110
    My doctor told my its normal!
    Last week i had panic attack and spoke to my doctor that I suspect RH he order HBA1C test and it was 5 normal!
    is RH lead or causes diabetes?
    If the answer is yes can I prevent diabetes?
    When you diagnosed as RH?
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Hi, mela, yes your results are normal.
    RH is a condition by itself, it is not diabetic.
    It is a condition when you have too much insulin and your beta cells are not doing their job. It does not cause diabetes, but can lead to type two if not controlled for years.
    I was diagnosed four years ago.
    Best wishes
    Hi I am new to this my name is Elizabeth and am type 1 diabetes had a long time diabetic retinopathy and am also a lot of other serious complications with my eyes my brilliant team of my Surgeon Nurses the eye unit at Cardiff University Hospital would be interested in being able to talk to others with type one diabetes and if they have suffered with similar or the same thank you Liz
    @elizabethmorrison Would you like to post this message on the open forum rather than as a comment on your profile?

    Are you able to suggest a good endocrinologist. I had a RH diagnosis 15 years ago and the dietitian was awful. I have suffered for years not know what to do, eat, how much I can exercise, if I get even a little bit stressed it is so much worse. I'm tired of it all....I joined the site last evening. Thank you so much. Rachael, Northamptonshire.
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Before I do, I would try and answer any questions you have in either the open forum or by pm.
    It might be beneficial to have your problems on our forum because others might have an answer to why you feel this way. My endocrinologist is quite a distance away from Northamptonshire.
    Please do post, there is a lot of information that can be learned by our experience.
    Thanks, Nosher.
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    You have to be careful with exercise, as that will raise y out blood glucose levels, whereas walking and swimming will gently lower it.
    Being in normal blood glucose range is the best way to go, have you a monitor?
    Hi I am trying to pm you to ask a question about RH i in the right place? I was sammy62 but couldn't get on so re registered as Sammy61. You were very helpful with my previous posting.
    I have been getting hypos regular since ileostomy reversal 18 years ago, was tested throughout the years for diabetes etc all negative, have been diabetic one and half years, finally I'm in control and find my sugar levels dropping so easily again...I feel confused by all this, any advice greatly appreciated
    Lamont D
    Lamont D
    Have you been tested for RH? Or one of the other forms of hypoglycaemia.
    Low carb and control is critical to being healthy.
    Eating little and often is always the best way to cope with low bloods.
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