Recent Content by maryphill

  1. M

    Sugar free soft drinks / mixers with NO ASPARTAME!

    I asked for a soda and lime and when they found they did not have any lime cordial ( and its sugars) they popped a wedge of fresh lime in instead, it worked for me.
  2. M

    Bed time hungries?

    I have a slice of ham and a drink of chamomile tea and sometimes a drink of milk. I thought I would never be able to sleep without my evening biscuits but don't even have them in the house now.
  3. M

    Type 2 but love eating loads of chocolate

    I feel for you. You know you need to cut back but knowing what you need to do is not always enough even with the best will . Do you have someone close that can support you as you change your eating habits? I also love chocolate and find if I don't have it around I can go ages without touching...
  4. M

    Food Confusion

    Hi RYU, you are so blessed to have a girlfriend that is so keen to work at keeping you well. :) I am T2, diet controlled and I use riced cauliflower instead of rice and spiralised courgettes instead of spaghetti and sweet potato or celeriac instead of potato. Usually I find these as tasty as...
  5. M

    Help! I have so much weight to lose

    Well Done, Zand. It sounds to me like you have made the most important and most difficult step.... the first one. Keep going, set small goals that suit YOU and YOUR aims and, even with occasional set backs, I am sure a brave and determined lady like you will get where you want to be.
  6. M

    When/how did you tell your family?

    Told the family straight away. The general reaction was not either they were not really bothered or it was all my fault