Recent Content by mattlynleanne

  1. mattlynleanne

    Why can't I take control??

    I agree, I should just start with baby steps.. As far as a diet, I have celiac and gastroparesis, so I already can't have gluten or anything greasy or hard to digest so for what I can have I would say I eat pretty healthily. I truly thank every single one of you for replying to this. It really...
  2. mattlynleanne

    Why can't I take control??

    I'm from USA, California to be exact
  3. mattlynleanne

    Why can't I take control??

    You have no idea how much this really helped. Just getting responses made my anxiety go away. Just knowing other people are like me and have challenges like me makes me feel so much better. I will definitely look into talking to my doctor and seeing what I can do to start changing. Last time him...
  4. mattlynleanne

    Why can't I take control??

    Hey guys, my name is Mattlyn, I am 19 and have had type one for ten years this year. I don't get how some of you guys have such control over your diabetes, it blows my mind. Granted, I've hit MANY speed bumps along the way but I'm sure you all have too. I think alot of me not caring about my...
  5. mattlynleanne

    New here. Type1.

    Hi guys, my name is Mattlyn and I have had type one for 10 years now. I came to this website for many reasons, but the main one being I need help. The last ten years for me have been the hardest. I was diagnosed at about 10 and just wasn't ready to "give my life away". Ever since I was...