Recent Content by MunkyBo1

  1. M

    not sure whether I should be offended or not

    I get this abuse at work every time a customer treats us to sugary goodness, IV been in my job for 8 years but been t1 for the last 2. We get cakes,tins of biscuit. Donuts (with jam) and so on and all the guys at work constantly tell me I can't have any even tho in tried to explain to then how...
  2. M

    Type 1.5 being a hassle these days

    I have a brand new half unit pen for nova rapid penfils cartridges if you still want one?
  3. M

    Have you done the DAFNE/DESMOND courses or anything similar?

    Re: Have you done the DAFNE/DESMOND courses or anything simi DAFNE ALL THE WAY! I was diagnosed 2 years ago and was on novamix30 for the first year and I found that very restricting and my levels were like a yoyo! having to "eat to inject" at set times and so on... ill be honest iv never been...
  4. M

    Win a Nintendo Wii-U!

    Haha have you ever had one of them moments where you are so sure you are registered you think you going mad?? IV just had one!! Well I'm now registered and active heehee