Recent Content by netdogg2637

  1. netdogg2637

    Anybody skate?

    Inline skating is better in the long run, but requires work to skate to a high standard, to really get the benefits of skating, I skated for years at silver blades and planet ice, I'm older now but I still hope to get back skating , being type 1 is a drag, but without a push I can't work out...
  2. netdogg2637

    Called into the office for using my insulin in staffroom

    It's such a shame the problems your having I have injected in public and don't care plus being 6ft 6 helps but I don't make it a big thing it's there problem be inject proud and then people will change or to hell with them!
  3. netdogg2637

    Fear & anxiety of telling my employer

    I'm type 1 and there already being t2 shouldn't stop if you become t1 then yeah because of insurance they won't help you sorry.
  4. netdogg2637

    Incident at work today...

    Yeah don't back down also health and safety law is on your side if they knew your status when you took the job they can't bully you because you have hypos at work, ******** them to because chances are they don't know the law to treat you that way, hope that helps.
  5. netdogg2637

    Hi I'm type 1 and learning living with type 1 isn't the end of the world!

    Hi I'm type 1 and learning living with type 1 isn't the end of the world!