Recent Content by richieworld

  1. richieworld

    Type 1 Wrongly diagnosed for the last 10 years

    Yes. I was told that Type 1 was definitely correct. Got it at the age of 38. Straight onto Insulin from the word go. For the last 2 years i have increased my dose quite a lot. I had a special blood test 6 weeks ago where i had to lay down for 15 minutes before hand. This apparently seperates...
  2. richieworld

    Type 1 Wrongly diagnosed for the last 10 years

    My pancreas is still producing Insulin apparently. I did ask how this diagnosis has now changed and he just said that they know a lot more about diabetes now than they did 10 years ago. I’m not angry in anyway, actually quite excited at the thought of possibly coming off of insulin sometime in...
  3. richieworld

    Type 1 Wrongly diagnosed for the last 10 years

    Hi Guys, So I’ve been type1 for the last 10 years. This week after blood test results i was called in to see the consultant. He has now said I am type 2 and had put me on Metformin as well as Insulin. This means I will lose my Libre sensors which have helped me so much over the past 8 months...
  4. richieworld

    Freestyle libre sensor, causing shoulder impingement?

    Hmmmmm. I’ve been struggling with the same thing since changing my sensor a week ago. Never thought about it being the sensor.