Recent Content by Thomas the Tank

  1. T

    Cholesterol and Statins

    Sits back an looks a bit smug but sad for those who think I am the crazy one for decrying this foul BigPharma con.
  2. T

    Cholesterol and Statins

    Jim thanks for the links. Great that is is audio cause I can be active (repainting the house during this 'Spring/Summer break) whilst listening.
  3. T

    How to manage d2 when on a no carb diet and GP wants me on 3 different medication

    It is 61g per 100 (61%) but 3,8 g per slice
  4. T


    I am not a cardiologist either but I have researched the effect of , originally plant Phytosterols, then synthetic statins for 30 years. Having read research papers avidly and had discussions with many leading cardiologists on the subject I think I have a reasonable grasp of the problem...
  5. T


    Balderdash! Statins can not mitigate plaque build up in arteries so there is never a need for Statins except to further line the pockets of Big Pharma shareholders. Your wife is lucky to have a good supply of cholesterol as one of the few positive facts to come out of all the trials is that...
  6. T

    Why do eggs make sugars spike

    Whats in the 'hot sauce'?
  7. T


    I got to stop reading about Statins! It's making me so angry my cholesterol goes though the roof, well it might be but seeing I have never had it tested I can only do the same as most trials that have tried to say it is a CAUSE of heart problems -make up the results. There I go up another notch...
  8. T


    Would love to read that If is would get past our moderators !!!
  9. T

    And so it begins: Eat less meat or we’ll make you.

    If I could get past your visa system I would join you in a shot, bush fires included for a plentiful supply of beef and lamb.
  10. T


    This would be important as 'in my opinion' almost all of the studies have reported false, inaccurate or biased results. the other studies not giving any of the required results are hidden. Of course there is also the slight problem that even if LDL particle numbers are best indicators for...
  11. T


    In my opinion the best way to get the number down is to rub out the old result and write a lower figure in. That's how much the results are worth. I can 'play' my cholesterol levels like a bagpipe- if I want them higher I stress myself, get angry or rant on about Big Pharma. If I want them...
  12. T

    Keto and carb addiction

    I am not sure I would call either Stevia or Monk fruit Sugar 'fake sugars' no more so than say maple syrup is fake sugar. Not fully understanding why a product that stimulates insulin secretion would cause a pancreas which has to work overtime to make insulin to need to work harder instead...
  13. T

    Keto and carb addiction

    Have you tried Monk Fruit Sugar (the pure form not cut with ethryitol), It cost a fortune but is so sweet a light dusting is enough to give a very sweet taste and it is a potent anti-oxidant as a great bonus.
  14. T

    Difference in beef mince fat

    Yea! we have a mince Connoisseur who knows, apart from price, why there is different amounts of fat in Beef mince. I have been buying mince for many many years and only found this out about a year ago.
  15. T

    Remission - What Works

    You hit the nail right on the head! No remission just suppression.