Operation for High Blood Pressure.


Yes, I want to sign up too. I have had high blood pressure for 15 years (since age 35) and lost both parents, all 4 grandparents and 2 brothers to high blood pressure related problems. I think it would be good for me.


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
I too have high blood pressure treated with tablets which control it extremely well.
(105/60 average)I was interested to read the article, however I am not sure if this is the Panacea we are led to believe ? My understanding is that high blood pressure can have many causes and therefore I am sceptical that this Op is going to 'cure' everything. I would definitely need to know more.

For many people there is no specific cause for their high blood pressure. It seems to be just one of those things. There are a small number of people who do have an underlying condition causing their high blood pressure. Unfortunately, only a few of these conditions can be treated, but this does mean in a very few people blood pressure can be returned to normal. You are more likely to have an underlying cause if you have very severe blood pressure or blood pressure that is resistant to treatment or if you have underlying kidney disease.

For most people, however, there is no cure as such, but both lifestyle changes and tablets are very effective in lowering blood pressure. If you do manage to lower your blood pressure, then your risk of developing a stroke or heart attack is considerably reduced.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
They never seem to look for the root of the problem.
Seems like taking the warning bulb out when you have an oil problem on ur car, instead of finding the leak or topping up the actual oil lol
Do those breathing machines work? I have been on olmatec now for 4 years but can't afford to buy a resperate to just 'try'.