

Active Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
My brother and I are young type 2 diabetics. Is it wrong to feel envious cause my brother is a big person but he eats 6 slices of wholemeal sandwiches and his BSL is always below 5! I eat one sandwich and mine goes to 8 : (


Don't be jealous. We are all different in so many ways. I don't expect anybody to be jealous or envious of what I can do and I am not envious of them. Life IS a competition, but compete against yourself - this will bring out the best in you and make you shine in your own world.


Active Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
You're right, but it's just that he can eat anything he wants. He still eats fried food and deep fried things but his diabetes is more controlled than mine.


Well-Known Member
@annalaix I doubt you're really that envious of his ability to eat fried foods - although it may feel like it because we often focus on the things we can't have so much more (which is one reason choice is so powerful for undoing the hold certain naughty things have on us).

Anyway the way I would go about developing choice where there may appear to be none is this:

What positive thing would eating fried food give me?
It would give me a feeling of X.
OK so what is another way of getting a feeling of X?
I could do such and such activity...
And what is another way?
I could do so and so...

Then you get the same outcome without the diabetic response.

You may get stumped at X...

It would give me a feeling of X....
Whats another way of getting the feeling of X?
Err I dunno...
OK what does a feeling of X give me?
A feeling of Y...
And what's another way of getting the feeling of Y ?
I could do such and such.
And what's another way?
I could do so and so...

And there's nothing stopping you going to Z and beyond...

well done, you now have behavioural flexibility and no diabetic response to contend with. It's not about the behaviour it's about the intention beyond the behaviour and there's always multiple behaviours that can satisfy an intention so you never have to feel out of choices (or envious).

Something like that anyway :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
My brother and I are young type 2 diabetics. Is it wrong to feel envious cause my brother is a big person but he eats 6 slices of wholemeal sandwiches and his BSL is always below 5! I eat one sandwich and mine goes to 8 : (

Annalaix - hi, yup, that's a bummer, pal..but hey - my levels are generally under control now coz I don't eat certain stuff, and that's just how it is..but..if I ate a slice of bread, my blood sugar would go from 5.5 to 10.5 in about half an hour! So, I am jealous of your 8! Could kill your brother :). It's all a trade off - I bet he's jealous of you for all kindsa reasons. Hmm..wonder if should risk a piece of toast n peanut butter...maybe not...maybe just use a spoon...


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Annalaix - hi, yup, that's a bummer, pal..but hey - my levels are generally under control now coz I don't eat certain stuff, and that's just how it is..but..if I ate a slice of bread, my blood sugar would go from 5.5 to 10.5 in about half an hour! So, I am jealous of your 8! Could kill your brother :). It's all a trade off - I bet he's jealous of you for all kindsa reasons. Hmm..wonder if should risk a piece of toast n peanut butter...maybe not...maybe just use a spoon...

I love spoons. Who needs bread? Much more flavor.
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I absolutely get jealous! But really I think I more miss overindulging in certain foods. I can watch my husband eat a full bag of chips, and while I know that I CAN, I won't because I enjoy my health more than a bag of delicious deep fried potato slices.

It's a struggle, but I have to remember that I'm doing this for me - for the future me really.

Now don't get me started on my sister, who is as healthy as a horse, and her diet includes half a jar of Nutella daily. That REALLY gets me going.


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My brother and I are young type 2 diabetics. Is it wrong to feel envious cause my brother is a big person but he eats 6 slices of wholemeal sandwiches and his BSL is always below 5! I eat one sandwich and mine goes to 8 : (
And so it is..unfortunate for you if you like bread. But like already mentioned, you can train you mind and forget your urges for bread and turn your enjoyment for that particular type of food for something else you might like to eat that agree with you.
I could almost treat a hypo with any bread products, even small amount will spike me drastically...:rolleyes:...and I enjoy making my own bread...used to...I have my own flour mill, sack of grains, cupboard full of incredients..:banghead: But it is all come halt now until I can start experimenting again my tolerance levels..maybe it don't happen ever again but so it will be then.
I have trained my brain to think....'it is only a food...fuel to keep me going'..'no big deal'..and as long as I don't go too hungry, tempting foods don't bother me..;)


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
When I think of all the stodgy unhealthy food I used to eat I realise I have never eaten better than since becoming diabetic you can still eat good tasty food. Your bro maybe able to eat all sorts of food you think you would like to eat but with diet it's not just about blood sugars there are a host of other things to consider that your bro thinks he can ignore but will affect his health in the long term. Just remind your self he is building up trouble for the future which you are not.
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
You're right, but it's just that he can eat anything he wants. He still eats fried food and deep fried things but his diabetes is more controlled than mine.
Yes but it will probably catch up with him sooner or later. You are so young, choose the healthier options now and you will have the last laugh! ;)


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I eat egg salad with a spoon and everyone thinks I'm crazy!

I would never put egg salad on bread now more because it tastes better without it. I will eat intuit a spoon or on celery sticks or a lettuce wrap. Very refreshing and light.
I'm so over bread.... I would never put a burger on a bun again. I love a rare burger crumbled on a piece of romaine and drizzled with a mayo mustard sauce. Yum. My tastes have changed. Fresh and simple is my mantra