Freestyle Libre


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi All,

I have just purchased a Freestyle Libre and wondered if anyone had any tips for getting started! Any help would be appreciated.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
1. They become more accurate after the first couple of days but will never be quite as accurate as a finger prick.
2. They tend to exaggerate the high's and lows
3. You will get a much better idea of where your blood is trending and the history of it and so be able to prevent highs and lows
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Well-Known Member
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I don't have a Feestyle Libre but have been looking into it a lot recently. Their website seemed to have a lot of helpful videos :)
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Diet only
I'm a new user and type 2 (no meds) I have used 3 sensors so far, so not an expert.

It believe it is best to attach it but not activate it for a couple of days, and I find after activating it I need to ignore the first few hours of readings as they can be ridiculous. Also the last few hours can be erratic.

It is wise to attach it on the under arm in the fleshy part. Hold your arm out straight, palm down. Grab the skin between arm pit and elbow and attach it there. That works best for me.

I find the readings are consistent - ie. once it has settled down there are no rogue readings. You can rely on the trends and variances, if not the levels.

Each sensor is different and requires calibration with your finger pricker in the beginning to determine how much, on average, they differ, using times when you should be normal and times when you should be high. Some sensors read lower, some read higher, some are almost spot on. Out of my 3 I've had 2 lower and 1 spot on. When calibrating remember the sensor may be somewhere around 10 to 15 minutes behind your finger pricker, but not always!.
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Well-Known Member
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Hi. I am just coming to the end of my first 2 week sensor. Imo the libre is just fantastic if nothing else them for the ease of testing. My fingers have had a well earned rest.

Couple of key points from my experience. There is a difference so if reading is low do a normal blood check. Secondly I have found the predictor not that accurate. So don't always follow it.

However u will see what is going on in 24 hours and it will open your eyes if your control isn't as tight as needed. In my case I had no idea about the spikes and have made a number of changes to my diet and insulin timings to try and manage it better.

Good luck and enjoy


Well-Known Member
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Hi I've had the libre since it launched (so being using it for approximately 20 months) the readings can be slightly behind (10-15 mins) when rapidly changing . The first 24-48 hours can be slightly out so bear with it.
The biggest thing I have found is I now put my sensor in the same spot on the same arm every time (despite Abbott saying to not do this) as I've found it the most accurate place. I now have constantly accurate readings all the time and even the first 24 hours is accurate.
Overall for all its little niggles and the odd failed sensor it is a bloody good bit of kit and I couldn't live without it now.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Hi I've had the libre since it launched (so being using it for approximately 20 months) the readings can be slightly behind (10-15 mins) when rapidly changing . The first 24-48 hours can be slightly out so bear with it.
The biggest thing I have found is I now put my sensor in the same spot on the same arm every time (despite Abbott saying to not do this) as I've found it the most accurate place. I now have constantly accurate readings all the time and even the first 24 hours is accurate.
Overall for all its little niggles and the odd failed sensor it is a bloody good bit of kit and I couldn't live without it now.

As a part-time Libre user, I found your comment about using the same spot each time interesting. In your case, is that spot exactly where Abbott suggest it should be in their infographics, or have you happened upon a spot along the way, by experimentation?

Oh, and is there anything in particular you can identify about that spot? Is it fattier/leaner/anything else you can think of? I would love to be able to find a repeatable, reliable spot.


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Hi, well I put the sensor on the back of the upper arms exactly as Abbott tell you too -never done anything different. I used to wear one on the left for 2 weeks, then rotate to the right for 2 weeks and so on...What I started finding though after loads of sensor changes was that the left arm was always accurate and the right arm was intermittent, so I moved to the left and always have it in the same spot now. Sounds crazy but it works for me !
One thing I have noticed as well is the more trauma your arm receives when applying it the worse the readings are. I always let my skin calm down before applying and also wait a few seconds after wiping with the alcohol wipe as again I find when the skin is sore or pores are open from a hot shower It can be more painful and readings are always out when applied in this manor. I currently find my readings are accurate from the minute it starts now.
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi, well I put the sensor on the back of the upper arms exactly as Abbott tell you too -never done anything different. I used to wear one on the left for 2 weeks, then rotate to the right for 2 weeks and so on...What I started finding though after loads of sensor changes was that the left arm was always accurate and the right arm was intermittent, so I moved to the left and always have it in the same spot now. Sounds crazy but it works for me !
One thing I have noticed as well is the more trauma your arm receives when applying it the worse the readings are. I always let my skin calm down before applying and also wait a few seconds after wiping with the alcohol wipe as again I find when the skin is sore or pores are open from a hot shower It can be more painful and readings are always out when applied in this manor. I currently find my readings are accurate from the minute it starts now.

Sorry to be a pain, but the inaccurate side; do you sleep on that side or anything?


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Sleep on both sides so nothing related to that. There shouldn't be a difference but there is. My theory, going back to the trauma side of things again is I think your arm must get used to the device going in. I take it out and put it straight back in the same spot again rather than applying it to an area that has been left in peace for 2 weeks. I suppose everyone's different but it works for me !