freestyle libre

  1. K

    Freestyle libre 2 after 30 weeks

    Hi everyone, I have gestational diabetes sine the beginning of pregnancy and I was using libre 2 all the time. I checked them with finger pricks sometimes and they were pretty accurate alle the time, but something happened after 30 weeks of pregnancy. All my sensors show higher fasting and...
  2. J

    my grandmas freestyle optium neo isn’t turning on

    hey there, my grandma have a optium neo for 8 months now, and suddenly (i tested w/ new batteries and w/ old ones) it doesn’t work. two arrows (like the high and low glucose level ones) pops up and nothing happens after that. she’s not considering buying another one unless it’s really necessary...
  3. N

    Freestyle libre test strips

    Anyone have any ideas or know of smallish tubs to put my freestyle libre test strips in. I found it so much easier carrying around my meter ect. When the strips were in tubs rather than individual packages so am hoping to find a tub or container or something to put them in ( even if I leave them...
  4. B

    Can someone recommend a small smartwatch compatible with Freestyle Libre?

    I have recently started using the Freestyle Libre and am finding the alarm on my Pixel 6 embarrassingly loud and cannot turn the sound down. I would like to get a smart watch or similar (that doesn't cost too much) where I can get a vibration on my wrist. I have small wrists so it would need to...
  5. D

    Freestyle Libre 2 won’t stick. Any help?

    Hi I’ve been using the freestyle libre for just over 7 months. About a month ago I was upgraded to the freestyle 2. With both products I’ve experienced a lot of issues with it staying on for the full 14 days, in fact 80% of them fall off within the first week! as per advice from my diabetic...
  6. B

    Freestyle Libre Readings Innacurate by 17mmols from blood readings - Help?

    Dear Readers, I was coming to the forum to see if this has happened to anyone else but I have been using Freestyle Libre 1 for the last year and a half with no issues and I’ve started on Libre 2 - all was fine until recently where my readings of my blood vs Freestyle has been so off, my blood...
  7. J

    Bioimpedance and FreeStyle Libre

    Hi, Is it safe to make bioimpedance while using FreeStyle Libre? I mean, will the biompedance results be jammed because of the metal parts of FreeStyle Libre? Thanks
  8. N

    Freestyle libre and high blood glucose level?

    Hi everyone, I had recently got freestyle libre monitor for my dad (Type 2 diabetic). He is on insulin injections once a day. As soon as he applied the sensor, his finger prick blood glucose level rose and remained high for a the full week he had the sensor attached to his arm. Even his...
  9. T

    Feeling dizzy and questions about FreeStyle Libre

    Hi everyone, My partner has Type 1 Diabetes. She has been complaining about feeling light headed for around 3 weeks now. It's there almost all the time. She also gets neck pain, headaches and has described a tingling in her lip. Her sugar readings have also been running a little high lately...
  10. T

    New freestyle libre

    Hia First time poster, long time lurker. I’ve been diagnosed with type one for a year but due to poor mental and other physical health I’ve basically not engaged with anything other than the minimum things I need to do (insulin) So I’m getting a freestyle libre this week (hopefully) and I was...
  11. H

    Any Type 1´s in Australia?

    Hi. I´ll try and keep this short (I´m currently on my winter holiday in Spain, as planned, so I need to get outside soon for some 18c sun) and also I don´t want all the waffle to get away from the main point. In short I am British and have been thinking about moving to Australia in the future...
  12. Choosehappy

    Glucose sensors

    Hi guys I am just wondering what sensors you use? I wanted the freestyle libre but it is quite expensive for the sensors each month at £100 ( haven’t asked my nurse yet but doubt I’d be eligible via nhs) does anyone use any others that are abit cheaper? I know some might say you can’t put a...
  13. corbanwolf

    Freestyle Libre, applicator without safety lock?

    Hey I have been using freestyle Libre from April. And from April till now I had problems with 3 of my sensors. So basically, I open one as usual, another one I turn to open. Then I put one into another and press hard under flat surface and then lift and apply on my skin. But 3 times I had...
  14. D

    Freestyle Libre Sensor Incompatible

    I have a freestyle libre system and its been working well for me. However I just got new sensors after using up my stockpile, and it works with the libre app but when I scan it with my meter it says the sensor is incompatible. I've tried 2 other sensors and same result. I've contacted Abbott but...
  15. M

    Freestyle Libre Bolus Calculator Options

    So my 7 year niece diagnosed with Type 1 6 months ago currently using long acting insulin at night and fast acting insulin before each meal during the day based on the carbs in the meal, blood glucose reading and a correction factor. This is all worked out with an inbuilt calculator in the Accu...
  16. R

    When freestyle libre shows a fast down arrow what to you do?

    Hello, I sometimes use (self funded hence the sometimes) a freestyle libre. Most of the time the arrows are across or diagonal up and down, but recently I’d had Insulin with my breakfast and set out on an early morning walk (doing the million steps challenge for diabetes uk) and could feel it...
  17. D

    Freestyle Libre app issues

    Hello, I've been successfully using the Freestyle Libre sensor for nearly a year now and really like it but the app has suddenly stopped working on my iPhone XR. I turned the phone off and on again and it worked for the first sensor scan but then reverted to getting stuck on the 'check glucose'...
  18. pumper1969

    T1 Pumper with unstoppable spikes in BG

    Hi - I'm looking for advice on how to deal with this? I have been on my pump for 18 years, T1 for 45 years, well controlled and have a continuous glucose monitor which is a great help. My issue is that occasionally my BG goes up on a steep trajectory, and no matter what I do (extra bolus of...
  19. M

    Covers for Freestyle Libre

    I have my nice shiny Libre. Does anyone have any good recommendations for: 1 - Screen protectors. 2 - Wallets. (Preferably a wallet that makes it bounce or survive when dropped from say 1m). Cheers Matt
  20. EmmaJemX

    Freestyle Libre Wont Stay On!

    Hey everyone! I got my libre sensor a month ago, and since then I have had a lot of trouble with the sensor staying put. The issue isn't with the actual adhesive itself, that stays on fine. However, the actual sensor starts pulling away from the adhesive! I am a side sleeper and tend to lay on...