do you think there is enough information regarding diabulima?

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I have suffered with this for many years off and on. I'm currently fighting this at the moment and I don't feel like this condition has enough support as it's not recognised enough. I'm t1 on insulin and metformin as I'm now insulin resistant

Hi Amanda

You might find that directing your healthcare team to might help you get some recognition of what they need to do to help you. Keep fighting, it will be worth it xx
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Grumpy People
Hi guys just got off the phone to diabetes UK and currently there is no help avaliable apart from a small independent team in Scotland and the fact is that have received numerous complaints that enough is not being done but due to lack off funding ect there is no plans to I am awaiting contact from policy holder qt diabetes UK who hopefully can tell me more
Hi, I know of one youngish diabetic who manipulates her insulin & she works in a doctor's surgery. She lives in Scotland but it is the 2 practice nurses who have tried to help her over the years. So sad & certainly needs addressed by professionals. Best of luck.
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
hey @sarahpench
totally glad to see you again -- big hugs young lady [[[hugs]]]
you have been missed
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aww bless you I've missed it too got myself back on track again take a look at the blog I've just put up might explain where I've been xx
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There was a short about this last week on radio 1 - IPlayer if anyone is interested


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backstabbers, brocoli and dirt toilets...uggghhhh
My daugther is type 1 as well and she suffers from it, as she is grown up we dont have much grip on it. She hates when she puts on weight and skips dosis to stay slim. result is that she had made herself into a patient with brittle diabetes. Its hard to control now and in order to break the circle she was sent by her care team to a psychologist. It is dangerous to skip dosis of insulin as a type 1. It will backfire on you severely.


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I’ve suffered with negative body image for as long as I can remember. At the beginning of October I was rushed into hospital with DKA. I was in intensive care for a week.
It was only when I came out of hospital that I heard about Diabulimia. Hearing about it I realised I had been suffering with diabulimia for years. I wish I had known sooner, I might not of felt so alone, sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy!
My friends ask me why I’m doing it, why I deliberately miss injections and make myself ill. The thing is, I do t know, it’s like asking someone why they have bipolar. People forget that diabulimia is a mental condition as well and I can’t just “get over it”
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I’ve suffered with negative body image for as long as I can remember. At the beginning of October I was rushed into hospital with DKA. I was in intensive care for a week.
It was only when I came out of hospital that I heard about Diabulimia. Hearing about it I realised I had been suffering with diabulimia for years. I wish I had known sooner, I might not of felt so alone, sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy!
My friends ask me why I’m doing it, why I deliberately miss injections and make myself ill. The thing is, I do t know, it’s like asking someone why they have bipolar. People forget that diabulimia is a mental condition as well and I can’t just “get over it”

Hi @AbbygayleRose ,

Welcome to the forum.

Thanks for posting. I empathise with your sentiments.

Feel free to enquire, or just "sound off".

Kind regards,



Type of diabetes
Type 1
I’ve suffered with negative body image for as long as I can remember. At the beginning of October I was rushed into hospital with DKA. I was in intensive care for a week.
It was only when I came out of hospital that I heard about Diabulimia. Hearing about it I realised I had been suffering with diabulimia for years. I wish I had known sooner, I might not of felt so alone, sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy!
My friends ask me why I’m doing it, why I deliberately miss injections and make myself ill. The thing is, I do t know, it’s like asking someone why they have bipolar. People forget that diabulimia is a mental condition as well and I can’t just “get over it”

I know the feeling it’s hard when you suffer with it people don’t understand it’s not something you are necessarily aware your doing when people ask why you can’t give an answer!

One thing to be aware of is your not alone we are all here to support xxxx
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hi abby sorry to hear you have been unwell. if you ever want to chat or moan feel free to message me i can also redirect you to a site dwed which will be able to help xx