I’m on my way to getting a pump! Few questions tho...


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Hey guys! Would just like to say how much this forum has helped me since joining! So thanks to everyone!!

Anyways I’m getting put onto a pump to help control my blood sugars. Iv got the My DICE course to do in 2 week, which is same as DAFNE I think?
I have no knowledge of pumping at all, I know I will get training and what not but was wondering if anyone knew what pumps will be offered to me? Do they just give you any random one or do you get to pick from a few? If you do get to pick what are your thoughts on the best one to start with?
I’m so ditzy and daft and take a while to pick things up haha.

Thank you :) x


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was wondering if anyone knew what pumps will be offered to me? Do they just give you any random one or do you get to pick from a few? If you do get to pick what are your thoughts on the best one to start with?
We don't I'm afraid - it will be dependent on your hospital's selection based on what they have set up for training and "Pump Start". As of now, it's likely to be one or some of the Medtronic 640G, the Roche Spirit Combo, the Roche Insight, the Omnipod or the Cellnovo. Most trusts have stopped supplying Animas Vibes following their recent withdrawal from the US.

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Every CCG has their own process and their own selection of pumps.
For example, I had a choice of an Animas Vibe or a stay on injections but I have read other people on this forum suggesting they have a complete choice of anything.
There are lots of discussions about the choices on this forum. I recommend also having a look at YouTube where there are a number of great videos to see what they look like.


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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hi @emma_hughes3 Fabulous news !!! As Tim has said each Trust has their own policy on which pumps they offer, I wasn't given a choice, but to be honest I didn't care which one I got as I was getting one. It's good to just get familiar with them before your appointment, however the training your given when you get it is very thorough,. Keep us posted on how it goes ?


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Type 1
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Thanks everyone, I’ll do some research online and I’ll ask my nurse when I see him what they’ll have to offer :) i will keep you guys updated! :) x