Can I nip out and back again from ketosis for just one meal?



Hi all. I've been invited out for a Chinese meal but have only just got back into ketosis after Xmas. Is it possible to have the meal but return to ketosis without going through full flu again? Maybe??


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There's only one way to tell....
You could always try to limit the damage... crispy duck (without the sauce or pancakes).
Stir fried seafood or meat of some kind without the nasty sugary stuff maybe?
That's what I do when eating out at a Chinese restaurant.
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Thanks for replying! The sauces are a ****** aren't they. I know some people can nip in and out after a single indiscretion but a meal of unknown carb content... Hmmm. I just hate the exhaustion and breathl essness of my keto 'flu'


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
As I understand it, if you are "keto (or fat) adapted" , i.e. your body has undergone a chmeical change to get into a fat burning state, rather than just being "in ketosis" you may well be switching in and out all the time depending on what you've eaten, and as it's far more permanent it's not necessary to go through the adaption process again. And I've seen this when I've checked "breath ketones": some times/days I've seen few or none, but other days, I can see plenty...

Have a Google on this fat adapted topic for more information, e.g.



Thanks Robbity. That was a fascinating article and made sense of so many musings I had but never got around to investigating. So my question should really be would this one meal interfere significantly with my fat adaptation such that I have to go through 'keto flu ' again. Presumably not, unless my fat adaptation isn't complete? That still leaves me wondering what fat adaptation is. I had, simplistically, assumed it was the process of cells producing more enzymes for the metabolism of fats rather than carbs and (pessimistically I now see) assumed that it could be reversed by eating carbs again, even just for a day. I guess it might take a bit more than that to reverse things - like eating carbs over Xmas!
Now I know that I will have to avoid the temptation of occasional slips. Previously I was discouraged by the fear of re-adapting. Sometimes ignorance is bliss....


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I have been far adapted for 25+ years. I go in and out of keto. What I find is when I go out of keto via carbs I feel like **** for a few days. I don’t think it’s because I’m getting the carb flu by reducing them again but rather the opposite. The carbs make me feel like **** and until I burn through them all and deplete my glycogen stores I will feel like ****. My bg goes up for a few days so it’s the carbs


I have been far adapted for 25+ years. I go in and out of keto. What I find is when I go out of keto via carbs I feel like **** for a few days. I don’t think it’s because I’m getting the carb flu by reducing them again but rather the opposite. The carbs make me feel like **** and until I burn through them all and deplete my glycogen stores I will feel like ****. My bg goes up for a few days so it’s the carbs
I think that's what might happen to me at first but if I go haywire for a week or so I then get 'flu' too - nature's way of telling me I should keep in track!


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
I think that's what might happen to me at first but if I go haywire for a week or so I then get 'flu' too - nature's way of telling me I should keep in track!
That I think is a form of detox. Like I injest foods I’m intolerant to. Three bad days. Either getting the carbs or the foods I’m intolerant to. All feels exhausting, achynand moody. I KNOW it’s in my food.