GP Practice Diabetes Clinic


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Right then, here we go. I received a letter from the GP Surgery yesterday, inviting me to attend the surgery Diabetes Clinic with the practice nurse. Now I realise that they have to go through this process and send out the letters, etc, but I was wondering what the implications for the surgery are if i decline the opportunity to discuss with someone who has little knowledge of diabetes (i.e. the practice nurse) what my care needs are?

While I relish the opportunity to go and ask her to get the doc to sign off on a pump, I know the response will be that it needs to be referred to the specialist clinic.

I therefore wonder what the point of gong is and if I am causing issues in the surgery meeting their sign offs?

@donnellysdogs - would you have a view?


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Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
I don't understand why they want to duplicate services - if a T1 diabetic is under the care of the specialist clinic, then what is the value in the GP practice offering a service too? I guess if the person is no longer with the clinic then the practice could help... but then, you are quite experienced in managing your T1. Doesn't add up, for me.
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I think they get a certain amount of money for each diabetic they see. They also do the foot checks which the clinic may not so if you're not signed up to the clinics foot clinic (if you've got no problems with your feet for example). They are also the ones who sign off on your ability to drive (they are for me anyway) so they may want to see you for that reason..


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And all of the above are handled by the Diabetic clinic and the NHS podiatrist that I already see. This is what I don't really understand.
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It might be down to bad organisation more than anything, in the NHS it seems like the left hand doesn't know what the right is doing sometimes. If you decline to go, no idea what would happen.


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A bit confused, if your already under the care of a hospital diabetes clinic then you don't need your gp surgery to sign you off for a pump as this is done by the Consultant at the clinic, as far as I know I'm not aware that my gp was consulted (although I may be wrong).

Regards to getting letters for a annual check-up at the gp surgery, I found this a cause of frustration as I would receive these letters every year and would have to ring them up and explain that I was under the care of a hospital diabetes clinic, despite this the following year another letter would arrive, I got a bit fed-up with this and spoke with the practise manager and explained the situation and they amended their records.
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axle 222

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Not being able to do what I would like to be able to do
Hello I too am under consultant diabetic team at hospital,not type 1, type 2 on insulin but heaps of other medical problems. I have found as in answers from other members that it's true g.p. gets payment for each patient they "give advice " too. As with you practise nurse knows the words to say but has no real knowledge. Out of politeness I phoned to say it's just a waste of resources as hospital treats me, eyes, feet, etc etc.....I was told if I don't attend this becomes a black mark on my record....3 strikes and I'm out!!!! I too have since,like moderator,contacted practise manager who has agreed it is a waste of resources....good luck..


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A bit confused, if your already under the care of a hospital diabetes clinic then you don't need your gp surgery to sign you off for a pump as this is done by the Consultant at the clinic, as far as I know I'm not aware that my gp was consulted (although I may be wrong).
This is me referencing statements by other people that have managed to get GPs to sign off CCG funding for pumps via the GP. Simply thinking about throwing something else out thereto improve the process (for me!)

Regards to getting letters for a annual check-up at the gp surgery, I found this a cause of frustration as I would receive these letters every year and would have to ring them up and explain that I was under the care of a hospital diabetes clinic, despite this the following year another letter would arrive, I got a bit fed-up with this and spoke with the practise manager and explained the situation and they amended their records.
That would concur with what I thought. I've spoken to them and ask them to check what's going on, but I wanted to confirm there was no CCG funding requirement that this was aligned to.


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Hello I too am under consultant diabetic team at hospital,not type 1, type 2 on insulin but heaps of other medical problems. I have found as in answers from other members that it's true g.p. gets payment for each patient they "give advice " too. As with you practise nurse knows the words to say but has no real knowledge. Out of politeness I phoned to say it's just a waste of resources as hospital treats me, eyes, feet, etc etc.....I was told if I don't attend this becomes a black mark on my record....3 strikes and I'm out!!!! I too have since,like moderator,contacted practise manager who has agreed it is a waste of resources....good luck..
Blimey the health system in the UK is paternalistic, isn't it? Sorry, not knocking you all or your fine country (which I love visiting, BTW. We don't do stately homes here - they are only 100 years old). I'm just empathising with you. Some of the things health services do appear as if they are treating you like children. It saddens me.

axle 222

Well-Known Member
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Not being able to do what I would like to be able to do
Blimey the health system in the UK is paternalistic, isn't it? Sorry, not knocking you all or your fine country (which I love visiting, BTW. We don't do stately homes here - they are only 100 years old). I'm just empathising with you. Some of the things health services do appear as if they are treating you like children. It saddens me.
Yes, there is a great deal of waste within the health service here, and it ridiculous that when you try to save some money they threaten you with being struck off.....but hey eventually,hopefully it will come right!!
By the way I read your answers to many posts,you are are a very knowledgeable lady,and always have a word of advice......
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Yes, there is a great deal of waste within the health service here, and it ridiculous that when you try to save some money they threaten you with being struck off.....but hey eventually,hopefully it will come right!!
By the way I read your answers to many posts,you are are a very knowledgeable lady,and always have a word of advice......
Aw thanks axle 222, we do what we can. I learn heaps from everyone here.
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I'm under the care of consultant but the GP authorises my prescriptions so I do my annual check with them to ensure they sign them off. Luckily the diabetes nurse recognises that I manage my diabetes well and has the attitude that whatever I am doing works. She checks my feet and makes sure I have received an appointment for eye screening and asks if there is anything I need from them. Usually pretty painless.


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Diet only
Slightly off topic but along the same lines - my husband had a letter in August asking him to make an appointment for the asthma clinic only to be told that the clinics were full and the next one would be in October. Fast forward to yesterday when we rang up for an appointment to be told that, as the asthma nurse had now left, they would not be running the clinics until she was replaced!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Acceptance of health treatment claims that are not adequately supported by evidence. I dislike it when people sell ineffective and even harmful alternative health products to exploit the desperation of people with chronic illness.
Slightly off topic but along the same lines - my husband had a letter in August asking him to make an appointment for the asthma clinic only to be told that the clinics were full and the next one would be in October. Fast forward to yesterday when we rang up for an appointment to be told that, as the asthma nurse had now left, they would not be running the clinics until she was replaced!
Sounds about typical, doesn't it?


Type of diabetes
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I have to go to my GP and see the 'diabetic nurse' every year. I absolutely hate it as it's a patronising waste of time. Apparently, this year as a special treat she's going to go through my blood test results with me - no idea why as these are tests that are done prior to my consultant appointment and are for the consultant to discuss with me when I visit the hospital. I appreciate the surgery doing them, but they're not for them, they're for my specialist.

I also question the knowledge of their 'diabetic nurse'. Last year she insisted I had to have an Insulin Passport "to prevent mistakes with my insulin" - and then proceeded to fill it out with the WRONG insulin.

She's also told me that people with Type 1 aren't more likely to have coeliac disease.

I have no choice but I admit I struggle to remain civil. It's inconvenient, tedious and pointless.
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pasta ice cream and chocolate
Right then, here we go. I received a letter from the GP Surgery yesterday, inviting me to attend the surgery Diabetes Clinic with the practice nurse. Now I realise that they have to go through this process and send out the letters, etc, but I was wondering what the implications for the surgery are if i decline the opportunity to discuss with someone who has little knowledge of diabetes (i.e. the practice nurse) what my care needs are?

While I relish the opportunity to go and ask her to get the doc to sign off on a pump, I know the response will be that it needs to be referred to the specialist clinic.

I therefore wonder what the point of gong is and if I am causing issues in the surgery meeting their sign offs?

@donnellysdogs - would you have a view?
All you need to do is decline the invitation and you should then be given a form to sign to say you are opting out. This then allows the GP practice to claim the extra funding without any penalties to them. Been there done that and still do it :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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All you need to do is decline the invitation and you should then be given a form to sign to say you are opting out. This then allows the GP practice to claim the extra funding without any penalties to them. Been there done that and still do it :)

I wish mine would let me do that! Maybe it varies depending where you are?
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Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Well if anyone has caught the fraud in the news about the NHS, some of it is about claiming for patients that don't exist or as it sounds here they want the funding for a diabetic that isn't actually advised by them. No accountability.
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Got a call back from the surgery. They've said to ignore the letter as it isn't valid given that I am under the hospital clinic.


Well-Known Member
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I live in Scotland. Type2 insulin. I just received letter from gp practice inviting me to be seen by practice nurse 're diabetes. I called surgery to explain I was looked after at diabetes specialty at hospital . I see Chiropodist routinely normally bout 6 or 8 weeks. The letter does state even though I may be attending hospital too still make apt as there are tests that the hospital may not do??. Anyway I have to see her in October. I have attended her before for other matters and foun d her to be very professional but totally unsure of her diabetes knowledge. I will keep the appointment any way. I also speak to my diabetic team every week with my readings for three days and if I am exp eriencing any difficulties or have any queries I discuss with them. I use steroids daily which drive me batty with my bg, so will see what advise if any the district nurse will give me compared to hospital. I feel it's all a bit over the top though and truly see it as a waste of resources unless there are plans to transfer from hospital teams to gp......always something lurking round corner.

II also received letter bout asthma but when I called gp to say I attended respiratory at hospital told me to ignore letter and keep to present arrangements at hospital. Is this more monies being given if gp has specialised clinics etc. I would think it would have been same nurse that is now doing diabetes. She must have her hands full lol