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  • Hi, Azure:) I need your advice badly. Not sure, but I might be pregnant. My hba1c isn't low..:( It was 8.2% the other day... I am carefull with my diet now, and assuming I manage to controle BG well, do you think there still might be some danger for a baby...? What is your experience? I am so scared sth might happen...Sooo stressed out..
    Thank you.
    God bless
    azure is, unfortunately, not around on site to answer you. Can I suggest you start a thread in the pregnancy forum
    hi azure, I'm trying to post via the forum app but keep getting the notification "your content can not be submitted. This is likely because your content is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements. Please change your content or try again later"??
    I go onto laptop and can post pending approval?
    Any help much appreciated :)
    Hi : ) Sorry you're having problems. There have been some glitches in the app. If you're able to use your laptop for now then that would be best, but if you try again with the app over the weekend and it's still not working, can you let me know and I'll report it to the tech team for you.
    Best wishes,
    Anyone else having problems with flexlink plus cannnulas used for combo and insight insulin pumps ever having to change a lot more often or use more insulin than normal
    Hi : ) If you start this question as a New Thread in the Pump section, you should get some replies : ) I use the Animas Vibe pump now so unfortunately can't help.
    Diabetic over 50 yrs combo pump 8yrs now on insight ok but had nothing but problems with the cannulas from ray
    Hello ... I've just noticed (doh) that under my avatar it says I'm insulin dependent. Can you remove that please?
    Hi : ) A few people have noticed that they've been wrongly listed as Insulin Dependent since the forum reboot. Unfortunately I can't change that for you. Go into your Profile and try changing it there. If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll get it looked at for you : )
    Oh yes ... silly me. Done it. Thanks
    Excellent : ) Glad it's sorted : )
    Hi please want to check about my freestyle libre i injected today and it didn't work and gave messages to try after 10.minutes i waited for 4 hours and when it worked it gave me lo in the same time i checked by blood it shows that i am 360 wht is the problem please i need help
    Hi : ) Sorry you're having problems. Unfortunately I dont use the Libre so I can't help you. I suggest you start a New Thread in Ask A Question and then you'll get answers from other users and hopefully sort this out.
    Best wishes,
    Looking for advice, I was told I have type 2 and now on medication, I'm interested in testing my bloods at home so I can keep things level. I have asked the diebetes nurse at the health center, for a testing kit through the nhs on repeat medication, and was told there was no need to test with type 2 and on medication is this true
    Hi : ) It's true that Type 2s aren't prescribed testing strips on the NHS unless they're on certain medication. However, many Type 2s here have bought their own meter and strips so that they can see how certain foods affect their blood sugar. If you'd like more info on that, start a new thread and some Type 2s will help : )
    Hi Azure,

    I am a product design student from Loughborough university and have chosen to redesign a medical cool bag as my final major project. I was wondering if it was okay to post a link in the 'Ask a question' forum, to an online survey I have created that will help me with user research for my project? I can't seem to find any forum rules to see if this is allowed so thought I would ask first.

    Hi Tom : ) Yes, certainly you can post a link to your survey. The only concern for us is that you don't ask for personal information like names, addresses or emails, etc or information that can indirectly identify members. If you're just asking for general feedback, that's fine : )
    Hi Azure, my last one was 3.9. But for the past two days. I've realized it didn't. Am just feeling extra weak now. Not sure if it's because I am on my menstrual cycle.
    The menstrual cycle can affect your blood sugar. One thought - if your blood sugar was high previously (before you were diagnosed) bringing it down to normal levels can sometimes make you feel weak and not right in yourself because your body has got used to,high sugars.
    OK, so I will update you once my menstrual is done. It's bin over one month now since this weakness have started. Am not sure if it's because my Job was very demanding, whereby I stood up for most of my shifts. 9 hours per a day. I have spoken to my Doc about it and he said he's not sure what's causing it. Which leave me all confused. He said I should asked my family doctor, which I did,and he too not sure.
    See how you go, but do ask for extra tests if you still feel weak. It might not be related to your diabetes so a general health screen for things like anaemia, thyroid, Vitamin levels, etc, etc would be sensible.
    I hope you feel better soon : )
    Hi Azure, I'm Albert of Papua New Guinea and I have been living with T1D for more than twenty years and my disease has had a great impact in my life affecting my studies due to the fact that my parents are unemployed and cannot buy my insulin and syringes weekly so that made me to quit studies.
    I now would kindly ask if forum can do a fundraising for me please
    Hi Albert : )
    The forum doesn't organise fundraising unfortunately. However, there are organisations that may be able to,give you advice if you're struggling. For example, there is one called Access To Insulin. Other organisations donate insulin to Type 1s in other countries too.
    I wish you all the best,
    Thank you azure....I'm so frightened of being diabetic. I'm type 2. Not been put on medication. Have to try to loose weight and exercise. I have chronic anxiety and feel I can't cope. I'v lost 8lbs and just joined a female gym. I don't really like excercising as that triggers panic attack.. bare with me if I don't respond in right place as finding my way round this site hard at mo
    No problem : ) Have you tried walking as exercise? You can wear an MP3 player and block out people around you, like having your own little bubble. Could your GP help with the anxiety?
    Are those flowers in your profile legit?
    I joined the forum in December and am yet to receive the Members Pack.
    Hi : ) Sorry about that - that's a long time! The best thing to do would be to PM Giverny or Captain Earle, or, if you prefer, use the Contact link at the very bottom of the web page in order to,contact admin and ask them what's happening. Do leave me another message if you still get no joy.
    All the best,
    Hi, I visited the diabetes. website as a newly diagnosed non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetic.
    I ticked boxes for the appropriate wrist band and key ring. There didn't seem to be any "confirm order" button. How do I know my request has been received? May I suggest the website is modified to include a "shopping basket" where the "order" can be confirmed?
    Thanks for help
    Gareth Hardwick
    Hi Gareth : ) If you're concerned about your request being received, you can contact the forum admin using the Contact link at the bottom of this page. You could also tell them your Shopping Basket idea - it's good : )
    Have you seen my thread?
    Yes, I was just reading it : ) I hope you get some good suggestions over the next few days. It was interesting to see you're not the only one having this problem.
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