Search Results

  1. mattbrad

    Metformin and memory loss / fuzzy head

    Hi all Me again sorry... Is anyone that's been taking Metformin suffered with memory loss or a feeling of being fuzzy headed at all ? I have been taking Metformin for about 4 weeks now and this has only just started in the last week, I even went out yesterday and forgot to lock the front...
  2. mattbrad

    Oh By the way your diabetic.....

    So that's how it started on the 9th of Jan an off the cuff comment by the Dr towards the end of my appointment to discuss my really low vitamin d levels..... it kind of did not sink in to be honest, no advise given other than I will be referred to Desmond. and take 2 of these metformin pills a...
  3. mattbrad

    LC/HF packup for 12 hour shift

    Hi everyone :) First post so please forgive me if I get something wrong ...... So I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and very very low vitamin d levels Dr have put me on pills for vitamin d and Metformin for the diabetes. Having read the fantastic information on this forum I have...