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  1. P

    Type 2 Libre z

    Hi Sorry if wrong place but suddenly my Libre 2 not scanning,when I spoke to Libre they said it’s because my os version not right q And they aware and looking for fix’ Has anyone had same experience? Thank you
  2. P

    Type 2 Frozen shoulder

    Hi My doctor said because I am type2 with insulin and my age :66: can cause this The pain is relentless just wonders if any one experienced this. Hope I posted in right place, Thank you
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    Type 2 Ozempic

    Hi any advice please, I have been on ozempic and ordered my repeat prescription but be told due to shortage it’s unavailable until poss sometime in 2024. As I have no new prescription and run out Now it’s a instant stop, no idea what to do any advice appreciated.
  4. P


    Hi all Names steve just joined diebetic uk and this site Ty
  5. P

    Insulin resistance

    Hi. after 20 years on insulin, i got told today by Dr after few test etc , that i am officially insulin resistance. totaly have no idea what to do any advice appriciated