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  1. J

    giving up smoking, making you diabetic??

    I gave up smoking about 16-18 months ago and lo behold I was told that I was type 2 about a year ago. Never thought about it before, but now it makes me wonder. I have always been a bit podgy and stopping smoking didn't make me gain any weight.
  2. J


    Thanks tubolard. I have an appointment to see a dietitian, but she is so busy it won't be for another four weeks. So I am trying to follow the nurses intstructions and cut down on the sugar intake, and as I said before I don't know how how deep I should look at the information box. I am 54 yrs...
  3. J


    I was told that I have diabetes last week, after a fasting blood test. The number was 13, whatever that means. I am to try a low sugar diet and have to see the nurse again next Tuesday (17th), where apparantly more will be told to me. My problem is that some food labels mention sugar and lots...