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  1. T

    I finding i start to get it then i dont

    I dont understand a lot of stuff i had scans and all sort to day after some other blood test as why i keep getting infections why my bones breaking and splintering why i keep getting uti a lot more . one thing they found or should i say didnt is i only have one kidney the other has disappeared...
  2. T

    I finding i start to get it then i dont

    I thought you go on insulin when you body in short stop working properly? So i can take that so now they talking to me today that sometimes it starts working again but is only temporary effect so i stupidly been a bloke i get it but sat here thinking i dont. How can the pancreas stop do it...
  3. T

    I think i done somthing bad not sure though feel bit guilty

    No been told to change things round a bit change life they say exercise is good but over doing it really always had bad health whole life some for or other when i was 21 i weighed 22 stone of pure fat lol by 25 i was down to 14 stone from 46 inch waist to 32 inch at the same time as battling...
  4. T

    feels like cold turkey although dont know how that feels

    Okay still in hospital im loads better but feel really grouchy they got it down to 7.3 this afternoon been like that for 2 hour they say it good but to be honest i dont.I cant stop shaking from head to toe teath nattering im cold stomach Grumbling feel sick very moody yet they want me to wait...
  5. T

    I think i done somthing bad not sure though feel bit guilty

    got my own room and they di um and r about it but my consultant is good friends with family and they say it fine but no to mobile were as rest of hospital is fine some staff okay with it others ask me to turn it off but as rule your right not really ment to but sometimes you no the right people...
  6. T

    I think i done somthing bad not sure though feel bit guilty

    I recently went into hospital after things got bad and a thank god man for internet good advice given . I was getting better through yesterday until 3am this morning somthing happened and now they got me in own room in icu i dont remember all but enough the student nurse on duty came to check...
  7. T

    Help pls dose anyone understand ?

    Thanks dont really know whats happening to my body at mo ive also had counselling over wife and normally okay with it the problem is and i know it sound silly as i am 33 yr old but i miss her being about when im sick dont like going hospital on my own she was always there to help normally im a...
  8. T

    Help pls dose anyone understand ?

    Im now in hospital went there last night there machine just said hi and the ketones very high and said somthing about acidic blood they put me on slider plus sodium chloride and in vein antibiotics as well . hospital has been my second home for my whole life mainly due to chronic asthma . I...
  9. T

    Help pls dose anyone understand ?

    im bit stuk tis all new to me Should i be worryin g bout bms at 28 an keys att go nodarker on we stick things i dunno i f eel drunk and cant see well
  10. T

    Help pls dose anyone understand ?

    im stuk and cant see well lol Im diabetic type 2 i think was put on insulin 2 weeks ago im not over weight dont eat much although i chronic asthmatic been on prednisolone steroids for years im 33 today lol im cofused though they said they would only give me 10 units twice day for couple moths...