Search Results

  1. C

    2000mg Metformin

    Hi, Thanks for this, I have started to exercise for 40 mins to an hour a day. I used to be in the gym most days and play rugby at the weekends. Have not really done anything for 6 months or so, will reduce carbs cut out chocolates. I'm 34 in a couple of weeks and dont want to lose my legs...
  2. C

    2000mg Metformin

    Hi All, I've been on 1000mg for about a year and have to admit not been too good at controlling alcohol intake for the last 3 months. Had my bloods done recently and the doctor went mad: HPA1c (I think it's called) was 11.8 Col was 8.9 Blood Sugar was 17 Also I am leaking 49 (whatever) of...