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  1. S


    I would cut the nuts down to about 10 not a handful and have normal tomatoes instead of sundried, little things like this help a lot. It is better to eat fresh foods instead of processed, the broccoli is fine as are all vegetables.
  2. S

    I'm concerned

    I don't buy any ready meals now, you don't really know what's in them, fresh fish or meat is much better..
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    Can Type 2 be caused by Pancreatic/gall bladder probs?

    I have not had my gall bladder removed, but it was discovered that I had a cyst on my pancreas which is benign but it makes you wonder if diabetes can be caused by other things.
  4. S

    Is my blood glucose attracted to 8mmol/L?

    I take Lantus at night at 10pm, that carries me over the 24 hours, and take Novorapid before my meals.
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    Blood sugar level after flu

    I have had a flu jab in October but have just flu which is taking a long time to go.