Search Results

  1. M

    Increasingly large amounts off insulin needed

    What is the DAFNE cource havn,t herd of it befor. My last hba1c was 12 which is good for me, cos of my history of not injecting ,but on the way up. Very depressing when i.m trying soooo hard to get it right and have better control. THer was some talk that i may have poly cystic overys but no...
  2. M

    Increasingly large amounts off insulin needed

    I do carb count ,as that was the way my parents were taught. I,m 9 stone which is a lot for me, but the incresing insulin makes me hungry all the time . I have a low carb diet as im always awear of the fact my bm,s jump so violntly. I can be 6-10 at waking and then for no reason start rising and...
  3. M

    Increasingly large amounts off insulin needed

    Please could any one help. 23 yr old female on insulin since the age of 3yrs. History of not injecting in the past. Now trying for exelant control, but struggling with frequent admisions to a&e with life thretning blood sugars. Having to inject larg and increasing amounts of insulin to keep any...