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  1. S

    Has anyone dealt with trailing/ after.images (palinopsia)

    I had an eye hemorrhage in June last year after not having good control of my sugars for a while. I ate the right foods but it was very relaxed control. My HB1AC for.years was in the 86-90 mark but I got it down to 71 and now its.creeped back to 75. Whilst getting eye injections for the...
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    Type 1 Anyone had experience with hemp or CBD oil (type 1)

    I want to try it to help with my anxiety and Visual Snow. Not so much for diabetes but got to take in account its effects on diabetes
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    Alternative natural sweeteners

    I'm type 1, and trying to kick artificial sweetnerr like sucralose and aspartame. I did try honey in tea and coffee and take a bit more insulin. Any other ways to sweeten tea and coffee without using artificial sweeteners?
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    How many carbs per day should you be having in a low carb diet

    I'm curious about trying a low carb diet but I have them with every meal and because I go to the gym and trying to bulk up they are essential. Main reason I want to try is the health benefits people have experienced
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    Type 1, 25 with DME worried about blindness(update)

    Few months ago I posted this after ha ing a hemorrhage in June in my right eye , I have huge anxiety about going blind and worrying about it takes up most if my time I been diabetic since I was 8, now 25, my teenage years was very poor control and it only got slightly better in my early 20s, I...
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    What are your blood sugar levels like throughout the day?

    I'm type 1, 25 years old and been diabetic since I was 8. During my teens and early 20s I had no control then very relaxed control of blood sugars. Recently I got diagnosed with maclopathy that caused a hemorrhage and I'm under treatment with eye injections . I have rely trying to get on top...
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    Type 1, 25 with DME worried about blindness

    Hi everyone, new member here . Like the title says I'm 25 , type 1 and been a diabetic since I was 8. I have never been the best diabetic but not the worst, I got my act together a bit more in my late teens. I never drink alcohol or do drugs but taking the right amount of insulin was an issue...