Search Results

  1. Janine Bignell

    Do I need to visit a doctor

    I would go with what has already been suggested and go to the doctor and ask for the tests as while some people are afraid of doctors, the not knowing can be more dangerous, especially when things can be resolved much quicker when you're armed with the information you need going forward...
  2. Janine Bignell

    Type 1 Cannula adhesion issues

    Thank you so much for all of your responses so far. I did forget to add that my daughter uses the Hid-In body bands for her pump. The cannula that came out in school was when she was playing hockey and the cannula was knocked out during the game (the school had actually written a note that the...
  3. Janine Bignell

    Type 1 Cannula adhesion issues

    Greetings! I am the mother of a 14-year-old type 1 diabetic. She was diagnosed at the age of 4 in 2009. We switched to the Medtronic 640g pump a couple of years ago and are facing a recurring issue that has been getting worse recently - cannula adhesion! Over the past few weeks - and more than...