Search Results

  1. B

    Can't stop thinking about diabetes

    I found out that i was diabetic about a month ago. My hba1c is 11.6. All I can think about is diabetes. When I eat I think about it. When I sit at work I think about it. Does this ever pass. I resent it. I hate it. It is ruling my life. I feel so sad that I have it. I am taking metformin 2000mg...
  2. B

    Diagnosed this week

    Hi I was told this week that I have type 2 diabetes. I have been put on Metformin and Lisinopril. My Gp has told me I mustn't have any sugar at all including fruit. I had a blood test back in October but heard nothing from my GP so stupidly thought all was well. It was only a conversation with a...