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  1. O

    Keto/no or low carb ideas!

    Hi everyone. I’m currently really struggling for food ideas. I’m autistic and used to have pretty much the same foods every day - now everything has changed. I’ve been trying to have coconut for pancakes, eggs and avocado and things like that for breakfast, but I’ve had cereal and crumpets/toast...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Yep; I had similar experiences. The clinical guideline for the fasting test being 2.2 makes no sense as most would be unconscious at that point. I know I would be, based on how I feel at 3. They don’t seem to care unless we’re on the verge of death, even if our quality of life is completely...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Wow see that’s so interesting, my hospital’s parameter was under 3.3 I think. Just shows how there’s clearly more standardisation and research to be done. That doctor (different hospital) said it doesn’t constitute a hypo unless below 3 which is crazy because I bet she’d feel rubbish at 3.5! I...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Absolutely, I really appreciate your insight.
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    So I often wake up either in the night in the morning drenched in sweat - that combined with other things makes us think I go hypo during the night. I also have had a fasting BG of 3.2. The doctors seemed satisfied it was RH without doing further testing, they really didn’t think it was a good...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Thank you so much. I’m also struggling with extreme hunger so I’m needing to eat very often but not gaining weight (another mystery). Cheese and nuts are my go-tos at the moment too! That breakfast makes sense, I’ve tried eggs and avocado but it takes so long and I already get up really early...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Hi everyone, just an update to say I’m now being seen by a hospital that is experienced in RH. They don’t want to put me through a glucose tolerance test because based on my sugar levels from me testing we think it would just make me sick, and they’re confident enough with the data they have to...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Thank you for the reassurance. What is considered a spike? I just feel awful constantly, and today according to my libre my level hasn’t been low, just quite spiky. But I feel like it’s low. Still undergoing tests because it does go low but even when it doesn’t I feel horrific. I’m at a loss...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Another question, sorry people! Does anyone here get hot flashes when they’re spiking? I find often after eating I get boiling when it’s shooting up, then an hour or two later I’ll get boiling again when it’s crashing down. Also, could RH be the reason why I feel so awful all the time - no...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Thank you so much @Lamont D ! I thought I replied but it doesn’t look like it saved so apologies if this comes up twice! I was just wondering what you meant by my symptoms being atypical - which ones? And when you say “why would you keep eating all day every day?” are you referring to people...
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia

    Can I ask who your consultant is? I live up north and am yet to find one I feel listens to me!
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    Reactive Hypoglycaemia Help! Really Struggling.

    Hello everyone. This is my first post on here, as a short-time stalker of the forum. I’m really struggling with what we believe to be RH. I had a mixed-meal test which didn’t show a hypo low enough to confirm the diagnosis (my BG was 3.6 and it has to be 3.3 I believe…). They’re now checking...
  13. O

    Is this to be expected?

    Sorry I meant cannula or finger prick. CGMs can obviously be unreliable! I know mine can overshoot.
  14. O

    Is this to be expected?

    A reading of 13 is diagnostic of diabetes… As is anything above 11.1. Was that a finger prick or CGM? If cannula or CGM, I’m shocked they didn’t diagnose you on the spot.