Keto/no or low carb ideas!


Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Hi everyone. I’m currently really struggling for food ideas. I’m autistic and used to have pretty much the same foods every day - now everything has changed. I’ve been trying to have coconut for pancakes, eggs and avocado and things like that for breakfast, but I’ve had cereal and crumpets/toast for my whole life and I’m struggling without them, they’re my safe foods. I tried some low-carb cereal (Surreal) and it’s revolting so that’s out! I’d really appreciate any ideas for any time of the day, but particularly quick breakfast ideas as I already have to get up early!
Thanks so much,
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I read Dr Eric Westman’s Keto tips, it said boil one dozen of eggs and keep them in the fridge and eat it as a breakfast or snack. I eat it with unrefined sea salt ( salt is needed for Keto ). Sometimes I make it deviled eggs ( chop them up and mix it with mayonnaise and a bit of salt ).
Eggs are my main protein source.
If you have protein powder , you can cook cake in a microwave. I eat it everyday . Cook it the night before and keep it in the fridge. Then heat it up in a microwave next morning to eat .


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
There are several companies that make low carb bread. The Low Carb Food Company, Srsly Low Carb and Heylo spring to mind
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It's a problem I think we have all struggled with, especially when first starting out on a low carb way of living. You're not alone in feeling like everything you have enjoyed your whole life is suddenly out of bounds.
Breakfast always seem to be a particular problem because we have been brainwashed into thinking it has to be "breakfast foods".
Thing is it's just another meal, you can break your fast with anything suitable, anything that will avoid a blood sugar spike and the crash that follows.
You need to experiment for a while to find your new safe foods, it will take time but you will figure it out.
I don't do breakfast very often, since going low carb I have found that contrary to popular beliefs it really isn't the most important meal of the day .
Here's a link to the Diet Dr's page of meal ideas, should be something you can use on there


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi everyone. I’m currently really struggling for food ideas. I’m autistic and used to have pretty much the same foods every day - now everything has changed. I’ve been trying to have coconut for pancakes, eggs and avocado and things like that for breakfast, but I’ve had cereal and crumpets/toast for my whole life and I’m struggling without them, they’re my safe foods. I tried some low-carb cereal (Surreal) and it’s revolting so that’s out! I’d really appreciate any ideas for any time of the day, but particularly quick breakfast ideas as I already have to get up early!
Thanks so much,
Hi @Oh766
On of my nephews is autistic and I have found it interesting watching how his diet has changed over the years. He's very much a texture eater, I.e. he prefers things that don't need much chewing and don't have surprises (lumps!) in them. He also has classic signs of carb addiction to sweet foods. He does stick with certain foods but then suddenly one day he changes to something else and I've never been able to identify what triggers the changes. All he says is he likes the new item.

Perhaps it's worth you thinking about what it is you like about your safe foods and try to find low carb options that mimic that? For example you could look at making versions that use sweeteners instead of sugar, or buying ready made lc breads (yes some are awful but you may find one you like)
Look too at filling up with protein and fats so you are full on those first.

As another post said, preparing ahead will help too. Eggs can be made into a savoury muffin and eaten over several days. That way they taste and feel less like eggs.

Or look at some recipes for 90 second 'bread' which makes a very filling slice in 90 seconds. I use 3 tablespoon of ground nut or seeds, a half teaspoon of baking powder and an egg, all mixed together and poured into a plastic container that had been buttered. Cook in 3 x 30 second bursts. You can add seasonings that you like. You can then use it like crumpets spreading with butter. I like to add marmite or cheese on top.

I'm sure that once you are in a routine of low carb food you will find your tastes change and you no longer want the old food. It's just a matter of getting over those first few weeks. You can do this.