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  1. S

    Low A1c means lots of hypo's?

    I had a bad experience on tuesday ended up in A&E for over 24 hours with a blood sugar of 1.x (can't exactly remember). I had my A1c done while I was there and it was 5.8% down from 5.9%. The DSN that i saw said that I must have alot of lows to get that A1c, I let her look through my meter...
  2. S

    finding a new GP

    So the situation I'm in is I'm moving house so will be moving out of my GP catchment area. I've not had any real serious problems with my diabetes care (it took a few prescritions for them to sort me out 200 per time). So i don't want to now register somewhere thats rubbish. so I thought about...
  3. S


    the eyes are very sensitive to changes in blood sugar so during the time you are bringing your blood sugars down you may expereince a worsening of sight, but as your GP said this is generally temporary and improves once you adjust to the lower blood sugars. it's also one of the reasons that...