Search Results

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    How old were you when you were diagnosed?

    I was 15yrs old on holiday with my family in New Jersey. The doctor realized I was dehydrated so gave me liters of sugary water to drink.
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    How can I be diabetic ???

    Being diabetic has not anything to do with being fat and overweight. That is an often misconception. Being overweight does amplify your chances of getting it but that it. If you eat and consume a lot of sugar, you're bound to get diabetes. You probably and possibly have family members with...
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    Struggling parent

    Children may struggle at school for 1st time leaving parents.
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    Exercise and eating?

    You've possibly noticed that if you eat a large and big meal before you exercise, you may feel sluggish or have an upset stomach, cramping and diarrhea.
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    First time seeing a Diabetic nurse

    Patients who have newly been diagnosed with diabetes will require to see the Diabetic nurse a few time in the first few months.
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    Exercise and eating?

    Eating and exercise — don’t let poor meal and snack preparation ruins your work out goals. With so many sports drinks, bars, powders, and supplements to choose
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    weight loss

    The top diet for losing weight is Weight Watchers, according to the specialist who rated the diets below for U.S. News. Major Loser, Jenny Craig, and the raw food diet came in close following. Other diets execute as well or better in enabling fast weight loss, but long-term weight loss is more...
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    What's your favourite subway?

    Excellent old cheese and ham footlong toasted with lots of cucumber on vigorous Italian bread ….I love this one!