Search Results

  1. C

    Driving license renew

    Re: Driving license renew Hi They send you a renewal. I have just got mine through after my 3 year one is due to expire in November. You get the renewal approx 3 months prior to yours expiring. Worth sending it off straight away though as all I have heard is people having trouble with DVLA. If...
  2. C

    Night Sweats

    I hadn't thought of that. The sweats started after I started on the insulin so I assumed it was down to that. I will ask my consultant about it. Thank you very much. Simon
  3. C

    Night Sweats

    Maybe I am still adjusting to all this then. Hopefully it will stop soon. Thanks for the reply
  4. C

    Night Sweats

    Hi I have recently been diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes as a result of chronic pancreatitis. I am on insulin. I use Levemir as my background and Novorapid for my quick acting. I have got my BG levels to a good range through Carb counting. I have, for the last couple of weeks been suffering with...