Search Results

  1. ce81ar

    Sudden increase in insulin requirements

    After settling down to work from home a month back I’ve had good control with my Medtronic pump and Libre and concluded that basal levels were pretty spot on. About a week ago I woke in the morning to find my BG was high and had been rising through the night. I assumed it was a bad site and...
  2. ce81ar

    Spoiled insulin

    This last summer with the higher temperatures I really struggled with persistent high blood sugars and eventually managed to narrow it down to the insulin itself (Novorapid) not working well. I changed from having my insulin delivered by post in a chilled pack, back to my local pharmacy because...
  3. ce81ar

    Medtronic wouldn't send sample

    Yes, had this several times. My DSN has said she finds it as annoying as I do but seems to be a Medtronic policy they won't budge on.
  4. ce81ar

    Pump funding threatened - what would you do?

    If you'd like any suggestions for doing low carb on a pump then PM me. I decided to invest in CGM and have been fine tuning based on the results. I was all over the place for the first few weeks but am now comfortably on <60% of the insulin I started on/day and I'm finally getting on top of my...
  5. ce81ar

    Pump funding threatened - what would you do?

    Hi Pegletbee, I hope you have some success with the suggestions people have made above. Just wondering why you have never tried low carb on the pump? I started it a few months back after 4 years on a pump and am finding it much easier to keep under control now. Given how my basal rates vary...
  6. ce81ar

    Has anyone had there canula come out when it is hot as the sticky bit had come away with sweating?

    Yes, used to happen whenever I was gardening in the summer. Multiple patches of tape and trying to keep the connection point away from any areas restricted by clothing helped.
  7. ce81ar

    Nicknames for pumps

    My pump is called 'Tam', short for tamagotchi. It got it's name when it was switched on at my first pump session and then left in it's box for a week as we weren't connecting up until the next session a week later. My husband works from home and after a few days complained that all he could hear...
  8. ce81ar

    Yay, it's working!

    Just had my latest test results back and my HbA1c is down to 57mmol/mol. This is the lowest it's been since I left for university nearly 20 years ago. 4 years of working with a pump, 2 years with CGM and 4 months of low carbing and finally the results are getting into the right area. Am so...
  9. ce81ar

    My logistical nightmare and other worries!

    Hi Claire, a year after getting my pump my husband and I set off to walk the Inca trail in Peru with travel via the US. My advice would be to change the time on your pump whilst on the plane each time and just keep using the libre to check what's happening on a regular basis. I generally find my...
  10. ce81ar

    Weight Loss Helpppp!

    I would echo Snapsy totally. A pump is not easy, but progress is motivation in itself to keep going. On MDI I would have some months where I focussed on my diabetes and then get to clinic and my HBA1C was 7.9 (sorry it was old units at the time). Then life would get busy and it would be back to...
  11. ce81ar

    Pump starts should come with CGM automatically

    I'd like to say it was logical, but having seen the system 'work' over the years it's prossibly because your DS isn't used to having that level of data and is only trained on the normal system. I privately fund CGM and although I originally didn't plan to use it all the time, I now feel blind...
  12. ce81ar

    Weight Loss Helpppp!

    Hi Chloe, As someone who battled their diabetes and exercise for years I can sympathise. I used to play Touch Rugby with a group at work during 2 lunchtimes a week. I'd have to adjust my basel dose in the morning and run my BG up to 16 in order to be able to play without hypoing. Then sometimes...
  13. ce81ar

    Sleep / Energy

    I've been low carbing for 6 weeks now and am finding that I wake every day between 5 and 6 despite previously having never been a morning person. Day to day I have more energy which is helping as have also embarked on a program to increase my fitness. The downside is that if I get to bed late I...
  14. ce81ar

    Pump trial

    Fab news - Bev gave me the 640g to play with when I was in last week and it's a definite improvement on it's predecessor. The wait varies, they normally try and get 3-4 people together to train at the same time. Just depends if you are number 1 or 4!
  15. ce81ar

    A slight problem with 2hr testing

    Hi Rustytypin, this is typical, as a meal such as you had with high levels of fat will take much longer to absorb the carbohydrate than normal. I am type 1, but the same principles apply, if I eat a meal high in fat then I need to have a delayed bolus otherwise I have a hypo at 1-2hrs after the...
  16. ce81ar


    No happened to me a few weeks ago. I was appalled because I put 2 orders through online which didn't go anywhere and I had no feedback to say that they weren't processing it. The first time I assumed I hadn't clicked the final stage on the order as I was in a hurry. The 2nd time I then called...
  17. ce81ar

    Low carb diet effect on insulin sensitivity

    Cheers guys. I'll have a hunt around using the terms mentioned and do some reading up. I already count carbs in veg and am getting no BG rise from zero carb meals. Just finding that where 1.5 units used to deal with 20g carbs, I now need 4 units!
  18. ce81ar

    Low carb diet effect on insulin sensitivity

    I am now well into my 3rd week of a low carb diet and am trying to keep below 50g carbs per day. I am T1 and have been on an insulin pump for the last 3.5 years which has massively improved my control, but I was wanting to see if I could improve it further. Whilst my overall insulin usage has...
  19. ce81ar

    Set change disaster!!!

    Hi Jemmaedias, I use Mios rather than quick sets, so can't help with the needle orientation, but the issues with your vial sound like the pressure wasn't equalised. I always fill the vial with air and inject it into the insulin bottle before drawing any insulin out, to help equalise the...
  20. ce81ar

    Funding and changing hospitals

    I have had my pump for just under 4 years and am at the Royal Surrey. I know most of the team up there and would be happy to chat and fill you in on how I qualified for my pump.