type ii

  1. F

    Long term type II

    Hi I have been type II for 24 years very recently gone onto insulin as a backup measure. Also Victoza and Metformin. I am one of Victoza success stories loosing nearly 7stone over two years.
  2. J

    Type II Menu for non weight loss

    I'm looking for advice on menus that don't include weight loss. I can understand why so many are weight loss related but I've already lost about 5 kg (now 69 kg) with almost no effect on my blood sugar levels so looking for better control without the weight loss. Thinking more nuts and avacado's...
  3. T

    Use of pump temporarily whilst in hospital

    Hi All Am after some thoughts and a bit of advice. I am due gallstone surgery next Wednesday. At my pre-op assessment this morning the nurse, very matter of factly, told me that they would 'more than likely' put me on an insulin pump for the duration of my stay, even though my sugars are pretty...