Thanks so much for sharing.
And I agree it's hard to think about socialising and going out after day one!
Reading, watching videos helps.
This has been tougher than other two I did. But I genuinely believe in the cell regeneration and unwrapping growth DNA. And clearing out of dead cells.
I imagine it's like one of those reality survivor shows in there...
Also I have to try it as normal life just doesn't seem to work anymore. So it's easy for me in that respect.
Yes - I agree. And a good space to do these kind of intense mind/body experiences to get better!
I have not been able to right my wrong-blood-glucose-regulation system, but I do not regret any of my attempts to get it working properly again. Not at all. I have the normal-weighted muscular body type that I was born to have, and for this I am grateful. I am strong for an old broad, which helps in life, and in shunting some of that excess blood glucose (of which I have plenty, alas) into my muscles.
I sort of feel I should be 'touching wood' madly when I say this too, but I seem to have a pretty robust immunity system, and when exposed to nasty viruses and bacteria, my body does a good job of keeping me going. Even with a wonky blood glucose system. And this is a vast improvement from before diagnosis when I thought I was coming down with multiple health issues and was getting flus and colds regularly. Maybe some of that autophagy, and sick fat cells being replaced with more/healthy ones is doing something to keep me well from infections? Who knows!
Def the quality food I eat now has contributed to state of wellness, and I am assuming - so does all the fasting regimes over the last 9 or so years. (Note I say wellness - not health! I don't believe someone with as dysregulated blood glucose and insulin as I have can be called healthy. Speaking for myself here.)