Type 2 1st measurement results are in


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
24th Feb 2020 Hba1c 7 and 53, weight 12st 5 bmi 27.8
16th June 2020 hba1c 6.2 and 44, weight 11st 01 bmi 24.9 NORMAL!

Yay! Well done me :) and much thanks to the info, help and support on this forum.

I would like to get these even better for next time. Although I have progressed in the right direction, it feels very slow, especially compared to huge drops I read of on here.

I have been eating very low carb (aim for 20 grams a day but often hit 30 as I love fruit) for nearly 3 months now (all of lockdown!), have at least a 14 hour overnight fast, more often now an 18:8 ( say 5 days out of 7)
I have rarely felt hungry, yay again!

To bring weight and sugars lower, should I
a) increase healthy fats (which I know I am low on and struggle to do)
b) reduce portion sizes
c) bring in longer fasts - if so how often?
d) more than one of above - which?
e) anything else

Also, If I do bring in longer fasts is this something I will need to do just for short term or will it be life long?


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
24th Feb 2020 Hba1c 7 and 53, weight 12st 5 bmi 27.8
16th June 2020 hba1c 6.2 and 44, weight 11st 01 bmi 24.9 NORMAL!

Yay! Well done me :) and much thanks to the info, help and support on this forum.

I would like to get these even better for next time. Although I have progressed in the right direction, it feels very slow, especially compared to huge drops I read of on here.

I have been eating very low carb (aim for 20 grams a day but often hit 30 as I love fruit) for nearly 3 months now (all of lockdown!), have at least a 14 hour overnight fast, more often now an 18:8 ( say 5 days out of 7)
I have rarely felt hungry, yay again!

To bring weight and sugars lower, should I
a) increase healthy fats (which I know I am low on and struggle to do)
b) reduce portion sizes
c) bring in longer fasts - if so how often?
d) more than one of above - which?
e) anything else

Also, If I do bring in longer fasts is this something I will need to do just for short term or will it be life long?
You're going to hate me, but option f) ditch the fruit or switch to berries only. ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
it feels very slow, especially compared to huge drops I read of on here.
So in 4 months you have lost weight reduced your HbA1c and adopted a completely new way of looking at food.. I'd say that's pretty **** good!
You started from a relatively healthy position (I was 23 stone when diagnosed) so don't expect too much too soon.
I'd just carry on with what you are doing and you'll see further progress I'm sure.
If you want to reduce your eating window to a 2MAD regime that might help a bit. I usually eat in a 4-5 hour window.
I'd certainly not reduce portion sizes but eat until you are satiated.
"It"s a marathon not a sprint" is a phrase used often here but it is very true.. do something you can stick to forever rather than go for short term gains but then get burn out.


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
it is already berries only - just cant stop at 3 strawberries!
Ah, I know that problem. That's why I only buy two to three little boxes a year. Because when I start, I don't stop. ;) (Always with whipped sugar free cream and with a walk afterwards). Have to say though, blue and blackberries, raspberries and such, don't do that to me for some reason... So I don't have to avoid those. Still get a little fruit kick, but not the insatiable need to have all of them immediately.

My mum would say I'm not wise, just a wise-***. ;)

Okay, the other options... If you feel satiated and fine, you don't need to up the fats. Except if you don't have fats with your fruit, because that'd slow the spike some, insofar that there is one. Portion sizes.. I don't know how much you eat, but if you can without feeling hungry, have at it. If not, meh. Fasts: do whatever works for you. I find I do better when I don't plan one, because the moment I wake up on a fasting day, I'm hungry. Even at 4 a.m., I'll be starving because I know I can't eat, haha. Instead I just don't eat throughout the day until I am actually hungry or know I am about to do something that's going to require a lot of energy. Rarely eat before 1 o'clock this way, (My breakfast is usually a mug of tea and an espresso, so my first meal is actually lunch, more often than not) and dinner's often well before 6 for the moment, so automatically fast about 18 to 19 hours as it is. But you could try extended fasting, or a slightly smaller eating window. https://www.dietdoctor.com/intermittent-fasting#howto has plenty of options for you to try, if you want. Some people fast 2 days of the week... All in all, it's entirely up to you to find your groove. And how long you'll go with that groove, months, years, decades... Two hours. :) But really... You've moved mountains already, with beautiful results! I know you hunger for more (excuse the pun), but you're well on your way... I'd say we've got a winner!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
" because the moment I wake up on a fasting day, I'm hungry. Even at 4 a.m., I'll be starving because I know I can't eat, haha.
Instead I just don't eat throughout the day until I am actually hungry"

@JoKalsbeek A wise owl (?) indeed.;)
That's me to a T. as soon as am told I can't have something I want it. I quite happily go 24 hours without food if I have a tummy upset, but tell me to fast and I go "No!" Today example, quite happy sat here not eating, not hungry, son says whats for lunch? and I go and eat because its lunchtime, not because I'm hungry!!!
I am trying the 2MAD and it seems to suit me. Little too soon to see what it does to weight. I'm mostly staying between 5.5 and 8 on daily readings, avg 6.7

I think deep down I'm hoping that if i can get under diabetic levels that I can release restrictions a bit but am beginning to suspect I've got to be this way for ever:(


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
" because the moment I wake up on a fasting day, I'm hungry. Even at 4 a.m., I'll be starving because I know I can't eat, haha.
Instead I just don't eat throughout the day until I am actually hungry"

@JoKalsbeek A wise owl (?) indeed.;)
That's me to a T. as soon as am told I can't have something I want it. I quite happily go 24 hours without food if I have a tummy upset, but tell me to fast and I go "No!" Today example, quite happy sat here not eating, not hungry, son says whats for lunch? and I go and eat because its lunchtime, not because I'm hungry!!!
I am trying the 2MAD and it seems to suit me. Little too soon to see what it does to weight. I'm mostly staying between 5.5 and 8 on daily readings, avg 6.7

I think deep down I'm hoping that if i can get under diabetic levels that I can release restrictions a bit but am beginning to suspect I've got to be this way for ever:(
This owl'll be honest with you, the moment I relax, I feel it. My insulin resistance isn't as bad as it once was, but I can still get a spike. Even if a spike, to me these days, is a 7 or 8. I get rubbery knees and feel dizzy/confused, same as if I had a hypo rather than a hyper. (And technically speaking, an 8 isn't even a hyper!) Not only that, but if I eat something even a bit carbier, I gain a kilo and a half. Completely random number, not relative in any way to the amount of carbs, but there it is: always a kilo and a half for a cheat-day. Beats me why...! (Most of those cheat days are accidental, having ordered something and not knowing they stuck honey in or something). Just know it takes me two to three weeks to get rid of it again. Mind you, I was doing far, far worse than you were when diagnosed, and had been diabetic for years before dx. Maybe you can relax things eventually. I know for me, after 4 years, it doesn't seem much of an option. But you're not me, and we're all different. Just be careful and keep an eye on things when you start to experiment eh.
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